My neighbor stopped over today. And said he wa
nted to sell his big Tex car hauler. He has a three-quarter ton pick up truck now and uses an equipment hauler. It appears to be like new. He paid 3500 would like 2500 now. If anyone is interested you can PM me. Thanks Chris
Wow. I bought one of those brand new right from the factory about 15 years ago. I paid about $500 for it and I still have it.
Sorry. I should have put that in. The trailer is in Metamora Mi. He said he could bring it to my hanger in Flushing Mi. If more convenient.
I asked. He said 18' flat then 2' beaver tail. 20' overall.
Chris, is this still available?
I bought a brand new 20ft 70ch in 2017. I sold it last year, what a mistake. Cant find a trailer for the price I paid for it new.
In reply to QuasiMofo (John Brown) :
I gave him your number. He will call you tomorrow.
In reply to yupididit :
What were they in 2017? Just curious?
If QMF passes, I'm in, can come pickup anytime, cash in hand.
In reply to Dead_Sled :
If you leave a project car on the trailer it doesn't count as another car in your yard.
In reply to Dead_Sled :
I will let you know if Quasimofo is out. Thanks.
In reply to Stampie :
According to my zoning guy, that won't fly. But if I build a box on the trailer and hide the car behind it...
In reply to cdowd (Forum Supporter) :
I paid $2900 from a dealer in Beaumont California. Came with a spare tire. I sold it for a few hundred less than what I paid.
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) said:
Wow. I bought one of those brand new right from the factory about 15 years ago. I paid about $500 for it and I still have it.
I truly mean no disrespect, but i would imagine either there is a typo in there, or you are misremembering the amount.
(hard to convey humor on a keyboard!)
Jonny Cash is the only one that got that much of a - um - discount ... "You might say I picked it up from the factory... its cheaper that way" (One Piece At A Time)
The retail price on stuff like that, even 15 years ago, was well over $1500.
They have gone crazy since then though. You nailed that for sure!
I should be picking it up this weekend.
Happy dance.
03Panther said:
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) said:
Wow. I bought one of those brand new right from the factory about 15 years ago. I paid about $500 for it and I still have it.
I truly mean no disrespect, but i would imagine either there is a typo in there, or you are misremembering the amount.
(hard to convey humor on a keyboard!)
Jonny Cash is the only one that got that much of a - um - discount ... "You might say I picked it up from the factory... its cheaper that way" (One Piece At A Time)
The retail price on stuff like that, even 15 years ago, was well over $1500.
They have gone crazy since then though. You nailed that for sure!
I still have the receipt. I picked it up from the factory in Ennis, Texas and the price was around $500. It may not have been that exact brand but there are several companies in East Texas building that same design. They have been building them for years. They used to be that cheap. It is sitting in my backyard.
And not only are they worth stupid money now, but you have to keep them chained up. They get stolen around here a lot. Licensing a trailer in Texas is easy to do.
When I worked in the salvage yard industry I used to buy southern boxes from Tennessee that would get delivered on used but not bad trailers, they said it would cost too much to drag them back and they would just leave them. We sold a ton of boxes and trailers.
In reply to QuasiMofo (John Brown) :
If you need anything I am about 20 minutes from where the trailer is. You can call me at eight 1 zero 9 three 7 ten 36.
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
That was a heck of a deal! Not the first time retailers have ripped a lot of folks off!!!
'Course even 20 years ago and more, just the steel and parts would have cost an individual more than 500 to build it yourself. Not including paint, welding rod, grinder wheels and time. Granted they could buy their material in bulk, but still...
I know when Becks was building their own trailers in St.Johns you could get a partial built 20' enclosed for nearly nothing. They assembled the frame and deck and strapped the panels down on the deck. Bobby got his for $650 plus tax and fees. They couldn't make them fast enough and felt that if you could assemble your own they could cut out the labor and still have trailers rolling with their names on it. I have no doubt that Dog got his at hella discount from trailer mecca.
Terry Crews-cab and Big Tex are chilling in the parking lot at work currently.
Thank you Chris, tell Steve I said thank you again.