Challenge crack pricing - shipping not included come get this stuff or have it relayed to keep your budget down.
4 new sets of "ebay flares" typical screw on plastic black flares $15 per set
many new universal cooling fans 12-16" $10 per fan
new optima battery trays with hold downs 1 steel 1 aluminum $20 each(will ship these for $10 more each)

40k gvw trans cooler kit new but all the fins aren't straight $40 shipped 
I like that black battery holddown. Where are you located?
Just south of cleveland sorry will add to top post later. I can ship the battery trays(both say group 34/77) but waiting to hear back from another grm'er who texted me last night on which/if he wants one/both. Once i know i will update. Shipping the flares is silly because they're $30 shipped on ebay. Likewise I have a bunch of all weather tesla full floor may sets that suck to ship so I'm trying to sell those locally. I sent a set to a buddy in cali for his dad and it cost me $95 to get them there. Still was under retail but once a box hits a certain size you get the FU pricing regardless of weight
Patrick, could you please set aside the transmission cooler and the thinnest universal electric fan you're selling for me?
Absolutely, i'll see what's there for slim stuff and text you what I have. Should be able to hook you up with a temp sensor kit too, some have those
I will take a set of the flares. I'll arrange a relay or pick them up on a trip that way. Thanks!
In reply to garaithon :
I'll put your name on a set and toss them on the grm relay shelf.
tomorrow I am picking up my old Z32 to strip, too wrecked/rusty to fix so if anyone needs parts.
In reply to Patrick :
Cool! I'll let you know when I get something lined up!
I am curious about your fans as well. I need a pair of thin fans in the 10-12" range.
I think AWIC is going to be the only way forward