A friend had these on her vehicle for a couple seasons before replacing the car with something else with different size tires. Until a month or so ago, they have been sitting in Discount Tire's warehouse since April 2018. They have a 2015 date code, so I don't want to sell them, but they are in great condition, so I'm happy to offer them free to a GRMer who is ok with the older tires. One pair has 10/32" tread depth, the other pair is at 7-8/32". I personally would run them if I had something that could use that size.
Pickup is near Dexter, MI (just northwest of Ann Arbor), and I really don't want to deal with shipping them. If you bring wheels, I'll mount and balance them for no cost, too. PM's don't work for me because of a Yahoo email address, but email me at my username followed by the number 9 at yahoo or call/text me at 734-323-1530.

Bumping to try the daytime crowd. Maybe it's just the wrong time of the year. It's hard to think about snow tires when it's 90 degrees.
If I had something they would fit I would love to thave them.
Time to try this again as I look out and see the first little bit of snow falling. Still available exactly as described in the first post.
Wish you were closer, or willing to ship.
I'd like to have them, probably can't get that way until thanksgiving weekend though
In reply to chandler :
Thanksgiving weekend is totally fine. I'm going to be home. Use the contact info in the original post, and we can set something up.
In reply to chandler :
Just tried to PM you, but I think it didn't work because of my yahoo email. I hope you're still interested, because I'd love for someone to get some use out of these things. It looks like I'm tied up most of this Friday, but I'll be around the rest of Thanksgiving weekend.
If Chandler is interested, he can have them, but if anyone else has interest, I'm still looking to get these outta here.
Time to give this one last try before I give up and pay to throw them out. Everything in the original post still applies.
Shoot, I forgot I posted here. Let me see if I can break away this weekend
Ok, cool. I'll be around all weekend.
12/2/21 1:09 p.m.
Sent a text in case it doesn't work out with Chandler, I can put these to use.
Not sure where the snow tire give away is right now. Those will fit my buick, and you live between my daughter, Detroit, and myself, Grand Rapids. If available I could drive the car to you for install.
Funny how this goes from very limited interest to people now lining up. Chandler's on the pole, Erich on the outside pole with akylekoz on the second row. If Chandler can make this weekend work, he can have them, and we'll work the way down the list if necessary.
Thanks, guys.
I'm an hour and a half away, y'all closer take your shot. I'll step aside
Erich has decided this isn't right for him, so akylekoz, you're up if you're still interested. Let me know, and we can work out timing.
Ok, I'll be in touch. This will easy my worry with my wife driving to Detroit and back this winter.
This is going to have to wait until after the holidays.
Ok. Thanks for the update.
I would have to have these shipped, but the height looks good for what I want.
akylekoz, still interested in these?
Oh, yes.
Sorry for the delay. I assumed my wife would drive in some weather and insist on snow tires immediately. Turns out the Envision with 600TW all seasons is better than our 5 was with snow tires. If you don't want to hold them for me go ahead and move them as I don't know when I'll be able to swing over for them.
I don't mind holding them since you're still interested. I just didn't want it to be forgotten. If we're mounting and balancing, I can do that in the evening most week days, though I'm not sure how that would make sense for you. I'm also around just about every weekend day until it's too late in the season to be worth it.