I have a few parts that are coming off my donor car if anyone needs them. Here's a list that's been removed and ready to be purchased:
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slantsix's D200 Longbed Stepside
Icengineworks Basic Header Modeling Set For Sale
Exhaust header fabrication videos
Shop’s too crowded sale! Tools, parts, blast cabinet, header fab. Portland Oregon
Seeking Wisdom From the First Gen Toyoburu Hivemind (Mod Questions)
Thoughts on running headers on a SBC sans gaskets?
I always wanted a clown car (aka: learn me Z3 coupe)
Trip; Athens Ga. to Boca Raton to pick up car, any travelling problems to be aware of?
e30 5-lug swap for rear
Need help with an odd BMW E36 question - OBD2 cam sensor on M52/S52
FS: E36 M3 KromerKraft Headers - US S50