Measure twice, buy once is the theme of this sale. Long story short, the holes for the shoulder harness are too high (and I'm too short) and I can't use the seat. I bought this seat last Thursday and because I scratched it up in a few spots getting it through the cage and in the mounts I can't exchange it for something shorter. 2025 date code, brand new seat. Local pickup in NE Wisconsin or meet within a reasonable distance. $900 OBO.

I have an omp hte and love it.
In reply to jfryjfry (FS) :
The seat is very comfortable but I should have gone with the non-XL version due to the harness pass through height. Measure twice and all that...
In reply to clutchsmoke :
In reply to Matt330LS :
I may be your opposite. I'm on the tall side and all in the torso. Could you measure provide a measurement from the cushion to the harness pass thru? Thanks!
In reply to gszczyrbak :
Cushion to bottom of harness pass through is 26"
I was pretty disheartened when I started looking for race seats. The majority of seats that fit my height were designed for drivers that weigh 50 pounds less than me with narrow waist and hips. I'm not overweight, but built like a fire hydrant so I need the width of the bigger seats in a short back...