5% Discount Code: 422F6941A0364B
Expires: January 1, 2020
Please enter this code in the [b]‘How Did You Hear About Us’[/b] box to receive the discount. Please enter ONLY the discount code, no other words or numbers. All orders are placed online and the discount code must be entered before an order is submitted to receive the discount.
RockAuto.com is an online auto parts store founded in Madison, Wisconsin in 1999 by the Taylor family. RockAuto.com ships thousands of auto parts from over 300 manufacturers to customers worldwide.
The RockAuto.com Catalog includes vehicles from the early 1900s to today, making it easy to find parts no matter what you drive.

just used it, saved $8 and change. thanks!
Well E36 M3. I placed an order a couple of days ago.
Thanks! Just saved me $15 :)
gonna be using it again in a few days for a front end rebuild on the Sonoma.
Just saved 22.00! And you had all the parts my car will ever need,
Edit -- I forgot, I was looking for specific coil springs, not only did RockAuto have them, same brand, same part number, but they were almost $30 cheaper BEFORE the discount. So not only did I get a discount, I saved on several other parts / prices too.
12/15/19 8:27 p.m.
A bump for the discount code. Just used it. Still good for a couple weeks. Thanks RockAuto.
"Retail me not" always has a 5% code if you can't find one here.
Just used the code. Saved $8 which came out to about 5%. Thanks!!
Just got the starter I ordered. Jesus is they packaging crappy, plus I think it was either previously returned or not sure what.

Used the code for a key fob, OEM part, cost $50 less then what the dealership wants, and then another $5 less with this discount. Thanks
12/23/19 7:24 p.m.
Thanks for supporting grm. Saved me $16 just with the cupon, not to mention some great deals on parts. Damn you shipping!
I've has to use this code WAY too much the last couple weeks. I think I need a powered by RockAuto sticker for my truck or something.
Just saved $30 on $600, S-Blazer brake parts and Ody front end rebuild.