2/22/19 10:34 a.m.
NMNA (duh - since I want to buy it)
Can tools like these which I think are built for metal mostly also handle working with wood? If I get something like this I would like to be able to dual purpose.
Yes-ish. The lathe wont be good for wood turning, and the bandsaw will only do chopsaw cuts. Additionally, the oils and metals in the machine work tools will impregnate wood, making finishing it difficult.
yeah, grab them and don't look back. duster already warned you of the cross-contamination risk.
2/22/19 12:10 p.m.
Bandsaw is "horizontal / vertical" so it can be locked upright and should have a table attachment for doing small jobs.
Those are metalworking tools, they will just cause you frustration using them for wood.
You need to pick them up and hold the lathe for Pat and the bandsaw for me.
Pretty sure that’s a $2000+ lathe
If I were closer, I'd already be on my way.
That being said, If you are looking for woodworking tools specifically, keep looking. You'll be much happier with a wood lathe and vertical bandsaw. Dual purpose isn't much of a thing with these types of tools.
2/22/19 1:53 p.m.
bummer about dual purpose, but it was kinda what I suspected. If this is really such a good deal ill be surprised if this guys still has them, but I'll give a call tomorrow morning since I might be able to get out that way tomorrow.
Buy it, clean it up, sell them separately for double+ what you paid for them. Take proceeds, buy the baddest wood lathe in the world and take your wife to dinner with what's left.
Yep. Those crappy "cheapest lathe you can buy" jobs are $750 ish.
Jet isn't half bad stuff.
Robbie, dead serious, if you buy both i’ll give you the whole amount for just the lathe if we can get it closer like on a detroit work on the amc trip. Then you can have a free bandsaw
I have the Harbor freight version of the bandsaw. you can clean it up and no worry about the lubricant thing (get a new blade and degrease everything else) in regards to working on wood.
Drawbacks vs a wood bandsaw: blades are deeper and longer, so you cant cut a tight radius. Not sure if a shallower blade would work, someone more knowledgable can comment to that. it might.
the throat is kinda wide, the wood bandsaw my grandfather had had an adjustable throat depth. this helps with keeping cuts under control and straight.
It has turned out to be one of the things I use fairly often in my shop for fabricating anything, be it wood or metal.
2/22/19 3:43 p.m.
emailed. We will see what happens.
In reply to Robbie :
Wood lathes that size or even bigger are cheap plus you don’t need all the expensive tooling.
You will need chisels. But most important you need to learn to sharpen wood chisels.
Do not ever use a grinder, bench or otherwise to sharpen wood turning chisels. If you want you can use a slow turning wet grinder to sharpen I have a Tormex, ( it’s almost $1000 by the time you buy all the attachments) but the scary sharp methods works fine and is almost free.
Patrick said:
Robbie, dead serious, if you buy both i’ll give you the whole amount for just the lathe if we can get it closer like on a detroit work on the amc trip. Then you can have a free bandsaw
Wait what? That's my bandsaw I thought? We'll ok so I already have two but I don't have a horizontal one.
Yes, that's a decent price for the lathe alone. If you go check it out, see if they have any additional tooling for the lathe to sweeten the deal.
I need a bandsaw like that.
Robbie did you buy these? If not, are you going to pass on them?
2/25/19 9:04 a.m.
I didn't hear back all weekend. I'm still interested of course but I'm sure the guy already sold them and just didn't take the post down.
My guess is they sold in 5 minutes
Posted 26 days ago
then why is it still up?!