Three things that I don't want in my garage. First is an Autometer temperature gauge. Seems to have a sending unit and fittings in the box. No idea why I have this or where it came from. Give me shipping money and it's yours.
Three things that I don't want in my garage. First is an Autometer temperature gauge. Seems to have a sending unit and fittings in the box. No idea why I have this or where it came from. Give me shipping money and it's yours.
Next is an oil cooler of unknown provenance, never installed. 2 inches thick by the approximate dimensions you can guess off the picture. Some number greater than $0 plus shipping.
And finally a Setrab oil cooler, also new, also 2 inches thick and of slightly different dimensions. This one has a part number on it so you can Google it and make me an offer, also some number greater than $0 plus shipping. If you want both coolers or all three things so you can sell some off to zero the cost for the Challenge, I'm fine with that.
Why have you bewitched me with the offer of freeish stuff? The logical side of my brain is slightly winning with the arguement of "What would you use that on?".
Oh E36 M3 ... the K30 ... I'll open bidding at $10 plus shipping to 32211.
I could use the temp gauge for next year's challenge car, it matches my tach. Also if stampie doesn't jump on the setrab cooler i'm not above taking $170 cooler for free, or $10 or whatever
In reply to Stampie (FS) :
Full disclosure Stampie, I didn't pay for the oil cooler. A friend gave it to me when he got rid of his Exige. He might not have paid for it either, or if he did is was not nearly what they are new. At this point it needs to go on a car or be converted to money or something that doesn't involve sitting in my garage.
Sold! To Stampie for an undisclosed number of dollars that we'll sort out later with a proper receipt for Challenge reasons.
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