I put my car trailer on CL at $2,400. Is that asking too much? It is a custom built very lightweight trailer, 3 inch C-channel frame, expanded metal runner deck,
has new spindles and hubs, new trailer tires, aluminum wheels with spare, new lights, 2500lb winch.

In my area you can buy a new steel dual axle trailer for that price. For reference I sold something very similar (with fenders, sans winch) for $750 and it took a few weeks of dealing with lowballers to sell.
Around me that's about a $500 trailer.
OK, you asked.....
Your photos on the craigslist ad are not making it look worth that ,
click the photos , one is 90 degrees off , the tail light looks like its bent , the tire is out of focus ,
rewrite about the title , just put title in hand , when they change it to their name at DMV they can get a plate ,
I think a big PLUS is the torsion axle , except most people do not know what that means , find a line drawing from the torsion axle maker that will explain it better and add that,
Its a neat trailer , maybe add a photo with the ramps down ,
Good luck....
I see this trailer as 'less is more'. Like when they take a porsche and remove 200 lbs of stuff and charge you $10,000 more for it. :)
But seriously, the trailer is designed so you can tow a 2800 lb car with a 3500lb tow vehicle, can't do that when your trailer weighs 2,000lbs.
But not surprised that only 1 of 100 people appreciate or understand the difference, and I need it sold, but at $500 the tires and axle and steel are worth more to me.
In reply to californiamilleghia
Agree I spent more posting here than in the ad. :) thanks
nimblemotorsports said:
In reply to californiamilleghia
Agree I spent more posting here than in the ad. :) thanks
Good Luck , its going to be someone who understands the Pluses and does not care about the paint......
and put it on offer up too.....
btw, around here this is a "$400" trailer ;) I do need it gone as I have another one now.

And a $1500 trailer:

In reply to nimblemotorsports :
Typical 2-axle car trailers here on the MS coast seem to sell for as much(and sometimes more than) new, which is $2k to $2500. Yours would probably be $1200-$1400 here, but ~2x that in Cali doesn't seem unreasonable.
I updated the ad text and couple other pics, I appreciate the feedback.
I am towing the Mazdamaro to Oregon to the new owner, so I will get some wear out of the tires before it gets sold. :)
Couple of years ago I paid $2500 for a like new Big Tex steel floor, dovetail, tandem trailer, with built in ramps. In full disclosure, the guy had quite a few people lined up behind me if I passed on the deal. No winch, but I am looking into adding one.

In reply to NoviceClass :
That looks like a good deal for sure, and with such shiny paint and wheels. I obviously personally don't give a hoot how ugly my trailer is, but to sell it I really should paint it.
My new one is also lightweight and single axle, I don't think I'd ever have a dual axle again.
This is a similar new one in sacramento area is $4300.