Just something less than a grand that isn't falling apart. Don't care if the paint is trashed, don't care if there's a window in it, don't care even if there are minor cracks. Just not decaying around the bottom edge and passable for rallycross and track work is all that matters!
Should I just start this with ...bueller...
In reply to AxeHealey :
I looked around. Maybe reach out to this guy and make offer on just the top.
Man, that's a tall ask. Hardtop prices have gone through the roof along with NA prices over the last year or so. Bad paint and no defrost on a usable top would have been $800 a couple years ago, and now they're pushing twice that much.
Is the Treasure Coast lightweight hardtop legal for rallyx?
In reply to John Welsh :
I actually did! He wasn't interested.
psteav - It's not easy but they're out there. I confirmed last night that it's got to be OEM. EDIT: OEM without a rollbar.