What is the preferred method of getting lights under a roll up door in a garage? I have a two-car wide garage door with a walk-thru door next to it, something like 26 feet wide total from wall to wall, and I would like some light under the thing so I can work with the door up as well as down. Anyone have a solution they want to show off? In a narrow garage I've used wire rope but that was a temporary solution.
I was reminded of this by the Barina LED light thread and didn't want to thread jack and I don't think this topic has been brought in a while.
No Time
10/8/24 12:43 p.m.
Probably not what your looking to do, but loading dock lights could be an option:
Dock lights

In my old house I mounted a bunch of those Barrina lights to the door itself. Grabbed an extension cord on a reel to mount at the end of the track on one side. I just disabled the locking mechanism. I could power them with the door up or down.
John Paige (RIP) aka Rad_Capz aka NOT A TA attached light fixtures to his garage door tracks:
The light brackets he fabbed are on page 6. Do yourself a favor, read the whole thread. Dude was seriously inspirationally clever.
My solution wasn't anywhere near as elegant as Rad_Capz..
I just drilled holes in the rails and used those really shallow/wide head bolts to screw into the light housing:

This is relevant to my needs as well. I had considered both mounting on the door, or tracks. I am leaning towards the tracks. Need to order another pack of barrina LEDs...
I hung a set of shop lights on a piece of conduit that I put just under the garage door tracks. Hanging from ropes IIRC. Simple and easy.
In another garage I hung the lights higher, over the door, positioned to shine through the garage door windows when the door is up. This worked surprisingly well when combined with other lights further into the garage. It was very easy and did not reduce headroom. This would not work at all if the door was midway but on an ordinary residential garage who stops the door partway? Not me.
New Reader
12/24/24 3:51 a.m.
In reply to Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself :
Creative use of code violations right there.
i like it