Would shops or individuals ever consider buying library shelving like this for storage or retail display? I've got a ton of it and don't mind scrapping it or selling it on to wholesalers, but if it's useful to others and profitable, I'd rather sell it as custom shelves. Each segment is 36" wide and 90" tall. If you have ideas on how to ship 90" tall boxes cheaply, I'd love to hear those as well.

I think the problem is they are not very deep , 10-12 inches ?
But books are heavy so they will take the weight.
californiamilleghia said:
I think the problem is they are not very deep , 10-12 inches ?
But books are heavy so they will take the weight.
They're 9" deep but each shelf is rated to 150 lbs. Is the size going to be the sticking point?
Ohhh did you get any of the rolling book carts ?
those work great when you are taking a car apart to paint etc ......