I picked up a new 2 post lift today a 10K extra tall, extra wide should be able to pick up anything I own. Here is the one I got https://www.gregsmithequipment.com/Atlas-OH-10X-EXTRA-WIDE-EXTRA-TALL. Price on web site is delivered to nearest terminal hub, we drove down to pick it up, paid in cash and got it for $2200 plus tax. Unfortunately I have to workout of town Thursday through Saturday so install will have to wait until next week. Looking forward to having a lift in the shop for the first time.

I worked in the lift business for a few years. I know Greg well, he bought some lifts off of us.
Well we got it up , level and square, bolted down. Now just need to add power and finish hydrolics.
5/20/19 11:06 p.m.
Installing a lift was one of the best moves I ever made. They are money very well spent.
MR2 project was first job on lift. engine removal so much easier with a lift.

That one is freaking amazing, used to deal with some of these things in the past - you get maximum for the price you pay.
11/9/19 9:21 p.m.
I bought my lift from Greg Smith as well. I picked it up from the local warehouse which was the main reason I went with them, no freight charge. Installation was pretty straight forward into my new shop. I've been using it fro the past 3 years and very happy with it.