New Reader
3/16/24 3:13 p.m.
I want to refurbish my beloved old Frigidaire with my daughter, as a fun project. It runs fine, for the occasional use it sees. It gets turned on when we have a family gatherings or parties.
At some point in it's life, it must have been decorated by someone....There is tape residue everywhere. The green masking tape residue seems to be coming off with a light sand. There are several large strips of 2-sided tape that are dried solid.
I can't get under it with a razor. it's pretty thick, and won't sand down.
Any suggestions? Goo Gone did nothing!

New Reader
3/17/24 9:17 p.m.
In reply to Shadeux :
He adhesive is old and nasty...WD and alcohol did nothing. My neighbor loaned me his old heat gun, a real beast. It got the tape moving, thankfully. It also has helped with the adhesive....need some warmer weather to start the paint prep and finish.
3M™ General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner | 3M United States
Get at autobody supply or Amazon. I use it for all kinds of things.
No Time
3/17/24 10:24 p.m.
My nuclear option would be MEK to dissolve the residue and old tape.
If you go that route, ensure good ventilation, no ignition sources, and proper PPE.

2nd vote for MEK.
Wear gloves, eye-pro, use fans and ventilate the area well.
All I am seeing for MEK these days is MEK substitute. I have used MEK before and that stuff is STOUT. I would also throw out turpentine. It was the only thing that would take asphalt off my chisel.
How about lighter fluid (i.e. Ronsonal, Zippo, etc.) ? Cheap & effective, esp if you let it soak a bit.
I assume that's a metal door so it will take some abuse?
Sometime heat will soften, sometimes cold (icecubes or the cans of freeze spray) will crystallize what's there so it gets brittle and will crack and allow you to chip at it.
Soaking with a limonene (citrus) cleaner is safer and less effective than MEK, which is flammable and will likely damage the finish, but if you're sanding you probably don't care about that.
Plastic razor blade or the Harbor Freight interior trim pry tools to scrape without gouging.
Can you tell what the center carrier of the double sided tape is? If it's a thin plastic film layer, it's blocking you from the adhesive bond to the door, so some light scores to allow the chemicals to soak in to the bonding surface might help.
Old tape sucks.
4/12/24 8:26 a.m.
If I remember from my adhesive company lab R&D days in the 90s, MEK is very similar to acetone with a longer evaporation time. Something more brutal like toluene if you can still find it might work, if we're talking solvents.
Plastic razor blades are a mechanical option, combine with soaking in solvent.