Years ago, neighbors had tossed this tool box on their scrap pile. I rescued it and have been using it to store extra tools for a while. I got curious as to where it was originally from, and did some googling, but no luck. I am kind of assuming it is from some long gone parts store. It is not exactly high quality, and there are no markings on it other than the cool graphic on the top. Anyone seen one like it or know who might have made/sold it?

Closeup of the graphic:

Placemotorsports said:
Old Mopar toolbox
That was fast, thanks! I just put "Mopar toolbox" in google, and a whole bunch of them popped up. Cool.
That's rad! Now I want one.
Appleseed said:
That's rad! Now I want one.
Looks like the cheapest I saw on eBay was about $40, but it didn't have the tool tray. If I decide to get rid of it, I will try to remember to let you know. I kind of like the idea of using it as a road kit box, but that may never happen.
In reply to eastsideTim :
Thanks. I appreciate it. A travel box is exactly what I would use it for.