Are you dragging the zipped file into the Content Manager? That is the easiest way to do it, and the way I always do it. Once you drag it on, you will see a little arrow on the menu (upper right corner). Open that menu, and you will see an option at the bottom of the menu to install whatever you dragged on there.
I checked the files. Looks like the track is a .rar file, which does open for me with 7zip, but as noted, I just drag them into CM. I also checked the server, it is working and setup with the Group C cars. It's probably a good idea to make sure you can get on the server. You can practice there and it will save your times. You do need to exit to change cars though (same as the offline game of course).
Worst case, I can get you a link to source for the track. I need to be careful though, there is more than one version out there, we are using the reboot (apparently cleaned up) version.
In reply to aircooled :
OK, that worked. Thanks. If I do manage to pop in to the server tomorrow you may wish you hadn't helped me - first attempts on Mount Panorama have been ugly.
02Pilot said:
In reply to aircooled :
OK, that worked. Thanks. If I do manage to pop in to the server tomorrow you may wish you hadn't helped me - first attempts on Mount Panorama have been ugly.
Make sure you get on Discord too.
02Pilot said:
In reply to aircooled :
OK, that worked. Thanks. If I do manage to pop in to the server tomorrow you may wish you hadn't helped me - first attempts on Mount Panorama have been ugly.
It is a tough track for sure. You have to under drive it to be fast especially in the Group A cars.
Also get set up with discord as ProDarwin said. Download it and dign up so you have an established Discord account and then pass on the Account ID and one of us can send you an invite to join. This makes the racing much better as we can talk to each other independantly of the AC server. We can also help with setup and what not if you need any.
@ Air
Am I suposed to have somthing else on the server?
Air is the file Geo-mod what I think it is?
OK, I set up Discord. Same user name as here.
2/16/21 3:58 p.m.
02Pilot said:
In reply to aircooled :
OK, that worked. Thanks. If I do manage to pop in to the server tomorrow you may wish you hadn't helped me - first attempts on Mount Panorama have been ugly.
So far, I feel like the computer is going to start telling me to hit the safety car so that I can be perfect. I don't think there's a single wall that I've failed to hit. And in turn 21 alone, I've spent more time in the sand than David Hasselhof. (yeah, gravel, but you get the idea).
wae said:
02Pilot said:
In reply to aircooled :
OK, that worked. Thanks. If I do manage to pop in to the server tomorrow you may wish you hadn't helped me - first attempts on Mount Panorama have been ugly.
So far, I feel like the computer is going to start telling me to hit the safety car so that I can be perfect. I don't think there's a single wall that I've failed to hit. And in turn 21 alone, I've spent more time in the sand than David Hasselhof. (yeah, gravel, but you get the idea).
The real solution, as usual, is practice, practice, practice.
I generally tell people you cannot drive 10/10 ths like you can in other more game like sims. Try starting at 6/10 ths and work your way up.
So far I've managed two consecutive clean laps. That downhill section is perilous.
The cars are a lot easier to drive than the TransAm stuff was though, so that's nice.
In reply to 02Pilot :
What is the full username, including the # afterward? Like this:

Send me a msg. on discord, or post your name here and I'll send you an invite.
Same with wae.
2/16/21 7:20 p.m.
In reply to ProDarwin :
I think I did the thing! wae#2195
I'm still here . I just need to get over myself and show up. I've been downloading tracks and cars and practicing (thanks for opening up the practice time btw.) and seeing that I'm 20+ seconds off the pace and bowing out for the races instead of looking at it as an opportunity to spend time with some like minded individuals (or forum bros for short) and have a good time. I can't attend tomorrow because of an appointment at 6pm but I'll do my best to be there 2 out of every 4 weeks from here on out.
From what I'm reading here, if all of us who are feeling slow/on the fence actually show up, we'll have a race for positions 1-4 or so then a second, slower race that happens to be occurring at the same time for 4-8
Well, I think there are two classes of cars in that group, the under and over 3 liter, so that might work out.
Nope, just checked, I guess they are all supposed to be competitive with each other.
There is a good chance some of the guys up front will wreck anyway. There are some races that could probably be won with a time 10 seconds off the pace if you are consistent :P
But yes, by all means, just come out and have fun. There is no penalty at all for being slow. Its fun to hang out, talk cars, and do a little racing and/or jackassery.
There is also the little mater of the 454 and V12 swapped Geo Metro (4 door). Theoretically we are supposed to test those. The car is in the Google drive folder.
In stock form it's pretty iffy. It does especially interesting things to the rear tires. You should try it like that just for perspective. I did put a lot of suspension adjustment in it and it does have a few tire options so if we want to make it a bit more driveable.
BTW you would probably need to be under 5 feet tall to drive it.
ProDarwin said:
Recruiting update:
therealpinto - has a wheel & AC need to convince to join us
Thanks for the mention! I'd need to practice both driving and getting mods to work.
Then there's the challenge of 6 PM Pacific time - that's 3 AM for me ;-)
therealpinto said:
ProDarwin said:
Recruiting update:
therealpinto - has a wheel & AC need to convince to join us
Thanks for the mention! I'd need to practice both driving and getting mods to work.
Then there's the challenge of 6 PM Pacific time - that's 3 AM for me ;-)
If you get on Discord and then join us we can help you with the adding of content to your game. We can share screens and what not so if you are having problems or just want one of us to show you how to add in cars or tracks we can do that. Even if you don't drive you can join in and spectate/commentate during the race.
BTW The Supra is my car of choice tonight. The Volvo is a close second. If anyone is having problems with the cars use the Volvo as its handeling and gearing is fantastic. The Supra is similar to the Volvo with gearing that is not quite as good and not as good a top speed but the brakes are better and with a change to the rear dif it has the same or better handling.
2/17/21 7:22 a.m.
After attempting all the cars, I found that I was less of a danger to others when driving the Volvo.
On the other hand, I only tried it for about a lap and a half, but I'm not sure that the Jag is equipped with brakes.
The jag is a monster. It flys. I think has the highest top speed. The Mustang is also an animal. It is so fast that I have to brake before the right hander at the end of the back strait otherwise I don't make the left at the bottom of the hill.
The Supra on the other hand i brake at the 125-150 mark on the down hill after the righ.