Adding Sol (which is mostly weather) gives you various color rendering options (Sol LDR seems to be the default and the best), as can be seen in my replay captures.
You can, if you want to re-create history, drive in black and white, like everything was back in the day. 
Few random notes:
1) Shader patch shows snow, even if you select 'ideal conditions'. VIR@ 26 Deg C, but snow on the ground. (also, was 50F today here, 1hr from VIR, so even for real conditions, thats pretty unrealistic...)
2) the sun issue can be fixed here:
3) I played a bunch using it, framerate hit is not bad/not measureable. Stock settings and it stays right at 143fps (limit I set in driver). But 123 is certainly something I can stomach. I does look a lot better. If I catch it going below 90 or some perceptible drop off, I can just turn it off.
4) I was unable to play with the Z4M using the shader patch. It just says 'race cancelled'. I searched for info on this, and just like the other error (no slots available), there are a billion proposed solutions. It seems that turning off the shader patch is the one that worked for me. So... :(
5) The photo mode thing is so much better, but its weird that you effectively use both at the same time.
Shader on:

Shader off:

The skidmark difference is pretty noticeable.
Smoke is noticeably better also:

You can also change shutter speedto get some blur, but even at the highest speed (1/500), the blur is enough that everything is blurry. Also, the preview does not work (just a white screen).
I think real life burnouts are dumb, but in video games they amuse me.

edit: that weird masking on the rear is an odd glitch. It has something to do with the brake lights illuminating the smoke.
Car testing. Because its a pandemic and I apparently have nothing better to do I did some testing with the cars I suggested earlier. I ran 10 laps of each at near-stock configuration on VIR South Course. I used the stickiest tires available for each car. I dialed in some camber if it looked off, and turned off TC on any that had it. That's it. Results:
NA Miata: 1:32.355
AE 86: 1:28.485
Abarth 500: 1:25.329
ND Miata: 1:23.875
GT 86: 1:23.156
E30 M3: 1:22.755*
370z: 1:19.300
Z4M: 1:19.004
The 370z has high default tire pressures so its basically running cold tires. I'm confident it would be a bit quicker than the Z4 if I took the time to mess with those.
Some good matchups in that mix.
Most importantly, almost all of these cars (save the Abarth) are great to drive. The BMWs, esp E30, get a bit drifty trail braking, but not bad. None of them require a ton of tuning or an alien to turn consistent laps. I think all a great choices for future races.
* Note I believe the M3 in this game is the "EVO3" or "Sport Evolution", not the typical US M3. I was pretty surprised at how fast it was, then realized it was ~40hp more than I was expecting.
To get rid of the snow you need to change the date. It's pretty hidden, it's the 3 little dots menu next to the time setting. Set it to July and the green comes back. Otherwise it will always assume the date is the current date even if the "use current conditions" is unchecked. Is there a date setting on the server?
I am curious what you find when playing with some of the settings in the shader patch, there are a bunch of them, some are kind of experimental.
Of note for base AC and the Shader Patch, you can create settings you can save and easily load / change. E.g. I have a setting for racing and recently made one for pics (25 FPS!!!) to improve the funky grass in my pics.
I ran across this, and I thought everyone here would appreciate it. Take a look at this pass, and where it happens. Also, Australia just seems to do auto racing right.
ProDarwin said:
Car testing. Because its a pandemic and I apparently have nothing better to do I did some testing with the cars I suggested earlier. I ran 10 laps of each at near-stock configuration on VIR South Course. I used the stickiest tires available for each car. I dialed in some camber if it looked off, and turned off TC on any that had it. That's it. Results:
NA Miata: 1:32.355
AE 86: 1:28.485
Abarth 500: 1:25.329
ND Miata: 1:23.875
GT 86: 1:23.156
E30 M3: 1:22.755*
370z: 1:19.300
Z4M: 1:19.004
I did not at all anticipate this but...
MKIV Supra: 1:18.916 This one feels like its destroying itself if you hit the brakes during the dip before turn 3...

Audi Sport Quattro: 1:19.392 This one I'm sure can get quicker with some tuning and some practice. Its a different beast to drive than the others, it pushes pretty bad as you roll onto the throttle mid/late corner. You need to be patient.

ProDarwin said:
Car testing. Because its a pandemic and I apparently have nothing better to do I did some testing with the cars I suggested earlier. I ran 10 laps of each at near-stock configuration on VIR South Course. I used the stickiest tires available for each car. I dialed in some camber if it looked off, and turned off TC on any that had it. That's it. Results:
GT 86: 1:23.156
Just to benchmark myself I tried a couple (ish...) of laps last night, with the GT86. I think I was down to 1.27's at best, clearly I need more practice...And I probably need to work on the settings as well.
I need to test the MkIII Capri I downloaded also, at VIR, it's a pretty wild race spec so too much power but I kind of liked that one at the Swedish track Ring Knutstorp.
ProDarwin said:
Car testing. Because its a pandemic and I apparently have nothing better to do I did some testing with the cars I suggested earlier. ...
This could be very useful testing if we want to run some dissimilar car races like the 80's Gran Tourismo inspired races that were suggested.
One thing you can play with is how handicapping affects these times. I think you can handicap with weight and power reduction. Which is more practical? Can you get the cars close relatively easily? Clearly, this will be somewhat track dependent. Which is less track dependent, weight HC, or power HC?
At some point I do want to play with the idea of a staggering the start, just for fun. HC, makes for more interesting races, but staggering the start (could) makes for more interesting finishes.
Also, Dean, if you could set the server date (if that can be adjusted), to a summer date, that would make the pics a bit nicer (the snow look is a bit bland).
I think there are certain cars that could cluster together pretty easily. I think the difference between the 370Z, Z4, Audi, and Supra is less than .5s from slowest to quickest - that's noise - I'm not that consistent. I don't know that it is worth handicapping any of them or giving them a weight penalty. I think the M3, ND, and BRZ could be similarly clustered together.
For HC, weight should be most consistent across tracks I would imagine?
I've been playing with the vehicle editor. OMG is there a lot ot unpack. Once you start to get the hang of it it's not to bad. Though I only have blender and it makes doing textures and stuff complicated. And I don't actually know how to do blender. I posted about this in my build thread but the AC thread seems like a better spot.
But I have managed to strip all the body off a Praga R1, Duplicate the seats, remove the digital steering wheel and installed the steering wheel I designed in Sketchup for the LMP 360. I have also changed gear ratios to match the 5MT trans I have and adjusted HP levels to match a 2002 wrx. OH and added a sound file. So I currently have this super fun go/kart that I am building more onto. Eventually I will try to adjust the suspension to match the design of the car.

Then it will be time to do the Midget...
Well, my wheel and pedals are delayed (thanks, Amazon), so if I show up tomorrow it will be mostly to see if I can resolve my connection issues rather than actually drive anything.
Side note perhaps, but handicap in terms of reducing power and/or increasing weight is something I'd like to know more about. I would love to tone down the BTCC Primera a bit so driving it actually gives me some "practice"...
Everyone ready for tonight? It should be fun. These cars are like a slow motion 911. If anyone needs some tuning help I will be glad to share.
The basics are crank the tire pressures all the way up and then take the car for a drive. It should be faster but very loose. Start dropping the rear pressure until you find the balance you like. I am at 44f and 40r and that seems to be ok
The other change is toe is set to zero. This is to try and reduce trolling resistance.
Camber is set to 1. I think this is stock
Lastly have taken some fuel out. Not sure how much this helps with this car. More of a habit. But if the game counts fuel weight then every little bit helps with this car.
In reply to therealpinto :
In the tuning I think you can adjust the throttal or maybe they refer to it as power? Turn that down in the tuning section amd try it. I have actually found on some cars in other games turning the power down a bit let's you get the power to the road better by reducing wheel spin. Kind of a self imposed traction control. This only helps on shorter tracks with lots of corners as you will be limiting the top speed and acceleration in the higher gears.
I have wanted to try and map a power limiter to a button that I could use in tight slow corners to see if it would help.
I just sent you a request on Discord to join in on one or two of the Assetto Corsa races with GRM. The name you will see is mkirby924.
Chat soon.
More people! 
I just invited you to the GRM server. When you get in, you will only be able to see the announcements page. Let me know and I will change your role and you will have full access.
So I figure tonight, we can of course play with the Fiats until we get at least 4 drivers, then we can do a quick, maybe two lap race in the Geo Conversions. No need to practice, raw info is likely best. If they are too difficult on the stock tires (I think they should be OK) we can switch those.
We want to make sure we split the drivers to the different cars as equally as possible. I figure Dean and Darwin should at least be in different cars.
Please do voice your observations and opinions as you drive them. As the saying goes: "this is for science"
I still can't get the geo conv. to work in multiplayer.
They stopped working for Dean last night as well.
FWIW, I did take a couple laps with both in single player and the BBC was like ~5s faster than the V12. The V12 feels like it makes about 180hp.
In reply to aircooled :
I let the computer run a 2 lap race with each car and the verdict is that the 454 is faster at this track. I posted results in the discord general chat.
The disparity between the two is astounding. I couldn't even get the V12 to leave rubber. I don't think its possible there is any track where the V12 is faster.