Ok there were a couple hiccups getting this set up but I finally got it working!!!! Dont ever say something is "super simple" before you actually test it.
I thought I had it set up correctly as the server was showing up but with out the HTTP port set up correctly it would not let me actually join and I could not see the selected car on the server selection menu (photo below).
The bottom line is port forwarding is a bit of pain but that is a Verizon Fios router issue not a game issue. The issue was that the router does not have any settings for an HTTP port so instead I set up a TCP and UDP port that the was called out for HTTP (port # 8081) and then it worked fine.
The money shot with the join button lit up. (Yes I actually joined to test it).

So the obvious question is when do we actually try a race with people.
Air you up for trying a on line race some time? Anyone else? It would be a testing session mostly so I can get used ot the server settings and people can give me tips and ideas for things for the server.
One feature I saw was that you can invert some or all of the field based on qualifying. So for instance I can invert the top 5 only of a 10 car field. There is a whole bunch of other settings that I need to look at and learn. Another one is I can set the number of incidence you can have with other cars before the server boots you. Not sure how I feel about that one. I guess with open rooms it would be self policing.
I will give it a try. Is the server always on? I can easily check to see if I can see the server tonight, I just need to know how to find it. I also need to see if I can get online to work for me at all.
I can always play around with a controller if needed (so I don't have to set up my wheel).
Ok I will put the server up now.
Password i will send via PM
Or just look in the image above.
Air you still have my cell number? Call me if you get on the server. It is up and running.
To find it go to the online tab at the top of the screen (see photo above). Then search on GRM. Should come up. Enter the password and then select a car. Should slow you up select from about ten different 190e cosworth Merc's. The only thing is if it is in a race then it won't let you in I set it up to only let people in during practice and qualifying. I can change that. Probably should since it is a locked room.
I see a list now but no GRM, search does not find it.
It doesn't look like I still have your cell #
I am having issues with my router. I changed nothing and although I see the server running on my computer I don't see it in the game. That tells me I have a port issue again. I think I am calling Verizon tomorrow and see if they have an answer for me.
Can you ping it from a computer outside your network? Inside your network?
Sent you a PM with my cell.
ProDarwin said:
Can you ping it from a computer outside your network? Inside your network?
The server starts but never fully initialized so I don't know what the issue is at the moment. I had updates to my pc and I am betting that is now the issue. I may reinstall the server software and start over.
I am convinced that it is a port issue with my router. I suspect that I may have to get a new router from Verizon or at least get help from them on the setup.
Last night was a bit frustrating as I tried about every port setup variant I could come up with and nothing seemed to work. I even made sure that I had a fixed IP on my computer and that the port forwarding was tied directly to that IP.
It has me thinking that just getting a server on line could be the easy button and it really is not allot of $$$. Somthing to think about if we were to get a group going on this.
The other thing that will ahve to be looked at is voice. We can see how that works out as well.
Discord is the easy button for voice chats, you can set up a free server and add people/friends to it, set up a voice channel for the game and people can join and leave freely at any time.
I wanted to post some pics of a must have add-on for AC. It's the SOL mod and the shader patch (both from the same source). It greatly increases the look of the game (and is highly adjustable of course).
Also from the same source is the Content Manager which makes lots of stuff a lot easier (including installing tracks, cars and mods). It makes installing SOL and the shader patch very easy of course.
A comparison pic from Riverside, and a pic from Bridgehampton night race (yes, Bridgehampton has no lighting)

I just had an light bulb moment. I bet the issue with the server i was having is the windows defender firewall. I need to open the ports in it. I just went through this with a remote desktop setup problem at my office.
And I think I got I!!!!!
it was both the windows firewall and the port forwarding in my router AND I ended up setting up a static ip on my internal network.

If anyone is around tomorrow night I would like to see if people can get in to the server. Since I have to log in as if it is a LAN I can not test it. I can see it through the game on the WAN but because of IP loop back I have to access it on the LAN.
I was testing last night on the server I put up. The car tuning in this game is interesting. I found that what I would define as small adjustments (I am comparing this to PC2). Make a much bigger change to the cars handling.
I am also going to tweak the settings for my wheel. There is a bigger dead spot in the middle than I like but it is something I can live with if I can not tighten it up. Overall it was very nice to drive. It only took a lap or two in a GT3 488 to get comfortable.
Dean, I can hop on tonight, just let me know when and what server to look for.
I have noticed my wheel has noticeably more dead space than in AC. I am looking into adjustments that might help.
Whatever happened with the Discord server? I never got any info back from that.
Of minor note: It looks like the the Setup Database for AC is down. I am not sure if there are any good alternatives.
edit: setting gain to 107% seems to help a lot (it's a Logitech thing apparently)