I know that I've asked before on other subforums, but since there's now one dedicated to it...
Does anyone else collect classic video games? I have a pretty decent size collection, ranging from the Atari 2600 up to the PS3, and (almost) everything in between. I just picked up a tote full of stuff from a coworker last night, including two NES consoles (one boxed!!!) and 31 games, a Dreamcast, and more.
I still need to clean everything and test it all, but I love getting big lots of games like this. It's like peering into someone's past. Creepy, and interesting at the same time. 
And for those who care, my full list of consoles:
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Sega Master System
Turbo Grafx 16
Sega Genesis
Super NES
Sega Saturn
Playstation (PS1)
Sega Dreamcast
Playstation 2
Xbox 360
Playstation 3
Game Boy
Sega Game Gear
Sega Nomad (portable Genesis!)
Game Boy Color
Neo Geo Pocket Color
Game Boy Advance
Game Boy Advance SP
Nintendo DS Lite
Sony PSP
Sony Xperia Play Android phone (runs emulators for NES, SNES, Genesis and TG16)
^ me thinks you have wayyy tooo much time on your hands. 
11/25/14 1:53 p.m.
I have a few things, you definitely.have me.beat. ibe had to.dial back my collecting since kid.
There are a few consoles I'm missing that I'd love to get someday:
Odyssey II
Atari 7800
Sega CD and 32X
Turbo Grafx CD or Turbo Duo
Neo Geo
And of course, I'd like the current-gen stuff too. I did a lot of my buying when I lived at home and waited for the bottom of the market and bought in bulk. I have lots of games that I haven't even played yet! I have also been collecting since i was a kid. I still have 95% of the games I had back in the day. That Colecovision is as old as I am, being born in 1982. It's the first console I remember.
Buying in bulk does result in ending up with multiples of certain items. I have certain consoles (like the NES) where I have like 6 consoles.
This winter, I am going to be going through my stuff and paring it down a bit.
Oh and I forgot one console on my "have it" list: The Atari Jaguar. I forgot because I've only played it a couple times. It's pretty bad.
In reply to SilverFleet:
If you want you should send a job application to the United States of America Smithsonian as they are getting themselves up to speed with cataloging and recording the history of this media the same as they have film/music/tv/book/theater.
Otherwise, enjoy. I don't have time to play the consoles or games. I only invest time into one.
I had a lot of the old game systems but ended up getting rid of most of them, minus my Dreamcast. It's become easier to simply use an emulator and a ROM on one of the various devices I have that'll play them (an Ouya, PC, Android phone and tablet with a Moga).
I kept the Dreamcast because nothing beats Skies of Arcadia with the original controller, although I eventually need to patch the game so I can get the final Cupil. That's something I only ever think about when I'm traveling, never when I'm home.
My collection consists of a Sega Genesis with CD that is somewhere in either a closet or garage. I oughta see if the old girl still works.
I basically still have all the consoles I've ever owned, because they weren't worth much when it came time to replace them, or there was some game I still wanted to play, or whatever. I don't have my 2600 anymore, but I do have an NES, Genesis, PS1, 2, and 3, and an Xbox 360. I used to have some old computers like a TI 99/4A, an Apple IIe, and a Commodore 64 and PET, but I recently donated those. I wasn't using them, and they were just taking up space. I still have (and will always have) my Atari 1200XL. My first computer.
The only thing I don't have that I had as a kid is our Apple IIe. My uncle worked for Apple when these were still state-of-the-art and bought my sister and I one of these complete with the Epson dot matrix printer. It was so cool. I still have some software kicking around for it, but it's probably bit-rotted now. 
Back when i worked at a retro game store i had waaaaaay too much stuff. I generally collected NES and newer. At my peak i had a few hundred games and a dozen or so consoles (virtual boy anyone?). I had a goldmine worth of ps1 and snes jrpgs. I sold it all a few years back to pay off some debt. It literally pains me to see how much classic game prices spiked after I sold out.
At the time I though I'd never miss it but the urge to collect has been coming back lately. On the other hand it's hard to justify spending so much for physical copies of games when you can download "virtual console" versions for practically free.
These days all i have is a ps3 and a wii u. Hoping to snag a ps4 by Christmas.
I have a stand alone tank/pong/hockey "console" Had these three cartridges you plugged in to play one of the games. Some off brand as there were never any other games for it offered. Got it for Xmass back in the early to mid 70's It is some where in my basement.
This had me thinking. Do old games work on new flat screen TV's. I have some where a game that ahs a gun that replaces a controller. It worked by censing brightness on the screen. I wonder if it works on the modern TV's. On a side note I figured out that if you shoot the score displayed on the screen you got a hit every time. My brothers never did figure that one out. LOL
11/25/14 4:20 p.m.
Ok, I did a quick.inventory. my list looks like-
Gameboy color
Gameboy advance.
Advance sp.
Gameboy micro.
D's lite
Dsi xl.
3ds xl.
Xbox 360.
Sega genesis.
Sega Saturn,
Sega Dreamcast.
Asus g73 gaming laptop.
And god.knows how many games. I own multiples of nearly everything. I have two of most of the consoles listed. I actually owned a lot more, but a lot of my collection was stolen, and that included several.consoles and probably 150 games. My collecting has stalled due to my kid being born, but I will begin again eventually.
11/25/14 4:28 p.m.
I did do this one time...... That is a movie screen. I might have hijacked the projector and soundboard this one time.

I'v got a
-4 switch woody 2600 w/ pause kit and Harmony cart(flashcart that will play all roms, including special chip games) And a flashback 2.
Then modern stuff
-An Asus G53 that I should really use more often.
dean1484 wrote:
I have a stand alone tank/pong/hockey "console" Had these three cartridges you plugged in to play one of the games. Some off brand as there were never any other games for it offered. Got it for Xmass back in the early to mid 70's It is some where in my basement.
This had me thinking. Do old games work on new flat screen TV's. I have some where a game that ahs a gun that replaces a controller. It worked by censing brightness on the screen. I wonder if it works on the modern TV's. On a side note I figured out that if you shoot the score displayed on the screen you got a hit every time. My brothers never did figure that one out. LOL
All of the games that do not require the gun will work. Sadly, the gun requires a CRT monitor to work.
One thing I don't have is a Pong console. I'd love to get one someday.
New Reader
11/25/14 5:16 p.m.
I still play some old computer games through DOSBox.
Let's see, I have/had:
Atari 2600 (Stolen)
NES with special 4-Player "remote".
Turbo Grafix 16 (borrowed, never returned)
XBOX 360
I have almost all of those.... And by all of those I mean I have an Ouya and a bunch of emulators. If you are into classic gaming I recommend getting one.
This your room SilverFleet?