I will have to get some testing in with the Ferrari and see how things are.
I wonder if I can make softs work at the Glen. My setup is all about soft tires. Going to hards would require some serious tuning. I am hoping that it is similar to GPF last week and I just have to make sure that I don't slide the car to much.
7/19/19 12:47 p.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
It is possible to run softs, just have to look after them. At this point, I am thinking softs for qualli and hards for the race, but I'll have to do some more testing. The Porsche is hard on the rear tires (at least in my hands).
7/19/19 6:03 p.m.
I’ll be on tonight a bit working on mastering the glen. (Unless I end up in a McLaren at Monza)
At GPF. My worst tire was half gone. So ware should not be an issue.
My start of practice I found tire temps and engin temps were way to high as well as tire pressures were hitting the low 32s. All this meant that the tires were also warming really fast. They were a third gone after 4I. The problem was the car was loose on corner entry and would plow on exit unless I carried the slide through the corner this was very fast but totally killed tires in short order and was un drivable on hards
So to fix this I first moved the brakes to the front and decreased engin braking and adjusted the coast in the dif to eliminate the overly loose condition on corner entry. The car was also overly tight on exit to so I adjusted the dif to give me more power on oversteer. All of this resulted in a car that would drive through the corners not slide through them. I was able to brake later turn in and then get power down with no drama. It actually made my corner entry speeds higher as I was getting on the power much sooner. I also opened up the brake ducts from 5 to 25 and the rad opening to 35. So with all these changes I now was not sliding the car and tire temps came down from over 210 after four laps to remaining steady at 185-190 for as long as I wanted. This I quickly found out resulted in my tire pressures staying very low as I had the pressures set very low trying to compensate for the sliding setup. I added two lbs of pressure to my tires wanting them to end up at 27lbs or so and only got a couple laps in before qualifying. So I just went with it. The tires stabilized at 26 psi. I could live with this as it let me lean on them a little when I needed. I did this every now and then to keep Argo three seconds or more back while keeping the car from getting twitchy as it does when the pressures get up around 30.
I would just hammer through a half lap or so and the pressures would go to 27 or so and temps to 190 and I would pick up a second or two and then just go back to cruse control hitting my marks. My tires were so good that I only just started to lift a little for the up hill eases on the last two laps really because at that point I had such a lead and there was no need to push it.
I am hoping that this setup translates well to next weeks track.
7/20/19 2:56 p.m.
I did some practice/tuning at the Glen this morning and think I am happy now. Still not quite sure the best places to pass, but the track is a fun one to drive.
7/20/19 2:57 p.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
I’m using nearly the same setup as last week. I changed camber, brake bias, downforce and a diff setting.
7/21/19 12:13 p.m.
I got a few laps in the 1:39’s this morning in time trial mode. The track temp is higher than our race conditions and I get left rear tire yellow after a lap. Now I need to see about replicating the time in the cooler/foggier/darker conditions of our race.
Still need to drive on this track with actual humans as I’ve only ran with AIs up till now. Mrs T.J. is working night shift tonight and tomorrow so I should be on the next two evenings.
Testing tonight found that softs at fast but really only last 4-5 laps. So I put hards on and after a couple laps I started leaning on them and I am actually faster with them.
the car needs a little dif work for the hards but overall it is ok.
7/24/19 8:53 a.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
That matches with what I have seen. Hards seem to be the better choice for me as well, but even then I need to be careful to not push too hard. If I get the left rear a little too hot it usually doesn't end well for me. I think I will even use hards for qualli, but not real sure on that yet.
I am probably going to make a qualifying setup with softs. I can get 4 laps ut of them really leaning on them and then go to my race setup with hards. I was only able to get the tire temps up to about 170-175 on hards. I actually had to be carful not to let them get to cold as that is almost as bad as getting them to hot. In a longer stint I actually was moving my brake bias towards the rar to get more heat in them.
So, can I assume we are running the final race tonight?
Hey Dean, it looks like we might have something to try next month:
Fortunately, we don’t have to wait much longer for the console release. Wreckfest is out on PS4 and Xbox One on August 27.
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday nights alright for wrecking...
7/25/19 8:51 a.m.
Maybe I should’ve gone with dawn instead of dusk for that race. I liked it, but I didn’t have to deal with AIs and I had working headlights.
I liked that series and hopefully we do more GTE cars in the future.
I was hoping for more dusk in the race I set up also. I guess I should have moved it a bit earlier.
I was way off the pace last night, which I have to blame on lack of practice and skill. I would say just practice, but there was someone else running the exact car and tune who was running MUCH faster then I was. 
I was starting to get into the technique of how to drive the car well into the race (I kept getting faster and faster), but I was still a few seconds off the pace. The AI seemed pretty fast there and I could just keep up with the back markers. I had some exciting moments with members of a certain family group taking off track adventures.... but that just kept it interesting.
Anyway, good series. Since WreckIt is just coming out, it's a good time to take a break. We can figure out what we want to run next week, but I will likely be Wrecking it up this Saturday if it indeed is released then.
7/25/19 11:05 a.m.
In reply to aircooled :
I mostly was managing my tires to not get the left rear too hot the entire race by staying in the 1:41-1:42's. I turned my fastest lap of the race on lap 12 and that was my only lap in the 1:40's. I did scrape against the guard rail at the exit of the last turn one lap, and apparently had some sort of issue or bobble on lap 7 since that lap was slower than the rest.
I really liked my setup for this race - the car pretty much drove itself, or so it seemed other than the heel of the boot and the following left turn where the NASCAR track rejoins and I had to be careful for both of those.
7/25/19 11:11 a.m.

Besides needing headlights later in the race, the weather/time/date settings resulted in strange track temperatures over the race. Dean pointed out that the end of practice the track was a lot hotter than at the start of qualifying. Here is a graph of track and ambient temps over the race. Softs may have seemed viable at the start, but after lap 9 there would be no way to keep them from getting too hot.
I ran hards on the left and softs on the right. They wore evenly and i had about 50% left at the finish. For me running the last third of the race in the dark without headlights was interesting. Would have liked to have given Dean a run for it.
I was entertaining a multi tire setup but I did not have the time to test it. My car was just ok. It seemed to be up on the pavement not stuck to it like at GPF. I had to toss some big dif changes at it when I went to the hards to calm the tail of the car down on corner entry. I was as was faster than the AI everywhere except for the esses and I had to put some some epic blocks on the AI there until Brad managed to take them out. With the AI gone and Argo now behind me I was expecting Argo to catch me as he was a second faster than me in qualifying but some how the gap never seemed to close down all that much. I think it got to under 2 seconds with two or three laps to go. I had been pushing it and when I saw the gap close up that much a put down my fastest lap of the night with 2-3 to go and got it back out to 3 seconds. It was one of the hardest races I have run in the series. I had to focus on every lap as any significant bobble on my part meant getting passed. I know that if Argo got to me he was going to pass me coming out of the esses as he would just walk me down to the bus stop. I would then spend a whole lap getting back to his bumper and the process would have repeated. This realization made me really lean on it when I realized Argo was trying to chase me down.
So anyone have any ideas for the next series that we can test?
7/26/19 3:52 p.m.
In reply to dean1484 :
If we follow the typical pattern, the next series will be a spec car series of some sort.
How about a Ferrari 333 SP spec series? 
Those cars are fast, fun and sound great while also having good outward visibility for those of us who race in cockpit view.
Project CARS 3 to be officially announced soon, is 200% better than pCars 2, is “game changer”
Says the developer of the game... also really big font...
dean1484 said:
So anyone have any ideas for the next series that we can test?
Clio Cups was the design.
I am pretty sure PC3 will be on the PS5. It looks to be at least a year away. Also, it might be a bit different. Looks like they do intend to keep what they currently have in terms of realism?
Anyone ever play Shift?
We’re still at the design on paper stage… This is very early pre-production.
I’ll let you know that Project CARS 3 will be more ‘focused’… More ‘fun’… We went to insane lengths with variation in pCARS2 and with that comes infinite balancing issues. We’ve learned a lesson here and although we have no intention of reducing content, we know what we need to fix, where we made design decisions that were, let’s call it, ‘sub-optimal’… Project CARS 3 will be more of a spiritual successor to Shift, but with all of the sim goodness everyone appreciates… The key focus though is on fun and not biting off more than we can properly chew and digest.
Absolutely not. It will be even more detailed. That’s why I mentioned that we won’t be losing any ‘sim goodness’… Real cars aren’t hard to drive.
It’s more ‘Shift’ in terms of us giving you less of a ‘sandbox’ and more of a fun game. Aside from that, we plan to really go to town on sim goodness…
We’re not ‘taking away the sandbox’… we’re just adding more of a structured fun game to the mix.
There’s an undeniable quality to Project CARS 2. It’s possibly the most realistic racing sim around, with an almost inordinate amount of detail that’s gone into every car, track and the weather and how everything is interconnected. This makes the lack of accessibility for those who struggle with simulation and who’d prefer an arcade mode all the more annoying. Is it a great game? Likely the best racing sim around. Does it need to open itself up to those less skilled? Yes.