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Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/8/14 4:52 p.m.

In reply to Advan046:

Having a 200° lock to lock wheel makes it doable.

failboat SuperDork
1/11/14 9:49 a.m.

managed a 2:06.038. only lowered the car, and adjusted camber and toe. have not tinkered with springs/dampers/swaybars/downforce at all.

I'd post a pic but im still trying to get a quicker lap. theres all sorts of places to lose time on this course. by far my worst section of the course is the decreasing radius double apex type corner(corners?) leading into the back straight. I have raced this course for years on several games and I can NEVER get the speed or line right on that, I always have to play it safe and go too slow to not go flying off track.

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/11/14 10:47 a.m.

In reply to failboat:

That corner is off camber too, so the car will easily wash out wide. Try adding full front downforce, leave the back alone. It'll make the car very tail happy if you aren't smooth with your inputs, and adding rear downforce makes the car pushy.

failboat SuperDork
1/11/14 11:26 a.m.

Its not really a grip or handling issue with the car, more of a confidence issue on my end. Im getting better at it, it helps that this car is good at everything (aka the brakes dont suck, handling doesnt suck, it doesnt roast the tires etc..) I tuned the car more, did not touch the downforce settings.

My current fast lap is now a 2:04.756. I think the 2:03 range is absolutely possible by carrying a little more speed...everywhere.

I saved the replay of my fast lap, that would have saved my ghost right? I was running these laps from the garage, going to "Test Drive". I wouldnt mind trading ghosts with you Spool

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/11/14 1:05 p.m.

I dont think you can send ghosts to each other. At least I couldn't figure out how.

That's a great lap time! I'll probably fire up the game tonight and give it another go round to hit 2.03s. I didn't do much to the suspension besides lower it and add some more camber. I'll tweak it some more and see what happens.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
1/11/14 1:36 p.m.

I can't wait until Gran Turismo 7 comes out so I'll stop seeing this thread and thinking it's about Triumphs...

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/11/14 10:11 p.m.

Finally got into the 2.03's. The biggest help was the brake balance. The car was very tail happy under braking, and changing the balance to 7/2 (from the stock 5/5) really calmed it down.

failboat SuperDork
1/12/14 9:06 a.m.

challenge accepted. im surprised more people arent jumping into this challenge. you dont even have to drive the hudson!

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/12/14 10:14 a.m.

Cuz they're scared

kazoospec Dork
1/12/14 12:14 p.m.

In reply to Spoolpigeon: Re: the brake balance, doesn't surprise me at all. I was having trouble with a supercharged Miata I was working with. As it should be, it was pretty neutral with stock brakes. When I upgraded to racing brakes all of the sudden it wanted to swap ends under hard braking, just as it should have. Adjusting the brake balance brought it back nicely. I think a more dynamic brake model is one of the major improvements from 5 to 6.

Oh, and, yes, I haven't tried the Suzuka challenge b/c I'm pretty sure I won't even be in the same zip code as you guys. Maybe I'll try it a few times this afternoon just to confirm my worst fears.

failboat SuperDork
1/12/14 2:23 p.m.

tuning the car for this challenge does help quite a bit. in stock form it is more prone to swap ends. I am still basically using a Forza 4 tuning calculator (ForzaTune4 app) to tune the cars, and then tweak as necessary.

I think the app is not free though, the ForzaDroid app, FM3 tuning calculator IS free. I havent tried that one with GT6 yet. I think the differences between the two apps are very minor and the tuning calculations for both were done by the same guy.

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/12/14 3:57 p.m.

Does it give you a base tune for a particular car? Then you fine tune from there?

failboat SuperDork
1/12/14 4:38 p.m.

they are basically calculators. punch in the weight of the car, the weight distribution, tire widths (need to use google for these on GT6), and downforce if any. the app also has a stability slider to allow you to adjust how understeer or oversteer prone your setup is, I usually like mine in the 90-95 range, a little biased towards oversteer. click "get tune" It does some math wizardry and spits out a setup for you. The only thing I wish it had was an option to adjust the softness/firmness of the suspension setup (a feature he had in his FM2 calculator).

there are a few screenshots here to give you an idea. http://forzatune.com/

Ill share my current "calculated" setup for this challenge later tonight when I can get onto the PS3. Ill also try the free forza 3 calculator and see what it spits out for a setup. I am guessing it will be more neutral because I dont think it has that stability adjustment built into the app.

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/12/14 4:48 p.m.

Interesting. I like the challenge of tuning myself (much like in real life), but I can see how this would be super useful for many folks.

DaveEstey UltraDork
1/12/14 5:50 p.m.

Finally had a chance to sit down and get a little game time. Still trying to dial out the push, but it's close.

Argo1 GRM+ Memberand Dork
1/12/14 5:57 p.m.

You need to drive on the black paved part Dave. That should take care of the push...

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/12/14 6:36 p.m.

Nice Dave! I knew you would clean house once you put in a few laps.

kazoospec Dork
1/12/14 6:41 p.m.

So first the good news, with about 1/2 hour of playing around with this I was able to knock a full 8 seconds off my original registered time. The bad news is I'm not close to the "leaders", even by WRC standards. The best lap I've turned is in the 2.12's. I had another one going that was going to be in the 2.10's pretty easily, but GT6 thought I picked up too much of the second to last curb. I figure a little more practice will net me another few seconds, and hopefully adjustments on the car a few more. I have no idea where the last 2 to 2 1/2 are going to come from. You guys are aliens.

The good news is I dropped a rear wheel off coming into the hairpin and ended up with a nice smoke-boiling drift around the entire corner that impressed my 12 year old. I didn't burst his "my dad can beat your dad" bubble by telling him about the times you jokers are posting.

failboat SuperDork
1/12/14 8:46 p.m.

here's the setup I am currently running
height - 80/85
springs - 5.0/9.8
compression - 3/3
extension - 4/4
rollbars - 5/4
camber - 0.7/0.3
toe - -0.1/0.2
brakes - 6/4
transmission - stock (autoset 162mph)
downforce - stock (150/400)

Rufledt SuperDork
1/12/14 10:32 p.m.

here's mine for now

I'm usually guessing when I do suspension settings but this is what I used:

Ride Height- 102/110
spring rate- 6.07/10.82
dampers (F&R)-4/4
anti-roll bars-4/4
camber- -1.2/-0.8
Toe- +.05/+.17
Brakes- 5/5

Transmission- max speed auto set to 168 (and shift a little before redline)

Downforce 200/387

There's still some more speed, the lap where I took the pic I was almost half a second ahead by that point but I hit the dirt on the corner exit and lost all my exit speed. oh well.

i saved the ghost, too, but I don't know how to put it on here in case anyone is interested.

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 12:03 a.m.

tried failboat's set up:

thank you, kind sir.

Random fact I discovered, lift-off oversteer is almost as good as braking... especially in that first corner.

also there's some more speed there for someone to find, I could pull a few tenths on that in a few corners (especially the 2 rights following the long left) but ended up mucking it up at some other random place on the track.

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 12:54 a.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: Finally got into the 2.03's. The biggest help was the brake balance. The car was very tail happy under braking, and changing the balance to 7/2 (from the stock 5/5) really calmed it down.

I tried that and noticed the opposite. When I cranked up the fronts, it almost felt like too much weight shifted forward and made the back end all loose under trail braking. Maybe it would be different with ABS off?

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 6:32 a.m.

In reply to Rufledt:

I suppose it's possible, but I stopped once I hit a 2.03 lol. Then you come around and bitch-slap my time now I have to try it again!!! Dammit!

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 8:12 a.m.

In reply to Rufledt:

Just to clarify, you were on RH tires correct?

EDIT: I can see it on the bottom left of your pic.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
1/13/14 8:40 a.m.

Sweet Jesus - a 2.01? Really!?!?. I'm stuck in the 2.05s and that was barely even manageable. It took about 30 tries of just flinging the damn car around and hoping I didn't crash or trip the penalty alarm.

What sort of Wheaties are you people eating?

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