Welcome to the (un)official GRM Time Trial Series!
This series will be run as a hot lap event in arcade mode and will consist of one car on one track per event. Each event will be open for 2 weeks, and submissions should be posted in this thread via screenshot of your time. Being as we are running in arcade mode it's on the individual to ensure their car is compliant with the tuning, PP, and tire limits for the event. We're on the honor system here and since there isn't anything on the line I doubt there would be intentional cheating, but be mindful that an already owned car may be tuned beyond the series specs.
- The event will be run in Arcade Mode > Single Player > Time Trial
- Rankings will be done based on the fastest posted flying lap
- Only clean laps count. The racing surface is defined as the area between and including the white lines, and the curbing. Two tires must remain on the racing surface or vertically above to count as clean. If track contact cannot be 100% determined, consider it dirty. Rumble strips count as part of the track.
- No contact with barriers or objects is allowed.
- No driving aids except ABS are allowed.
- Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
Event 1:
The car: Mazda MX-5 Miata '89
The track: Deep Forest Raceway
PP: 360
Power: 123
Weight: 940kg
Tires: Comfort Soft
The car is completely stock, only an oil change and brake bias adjustment is allowed.
- Spoolpigeon - 1:36.799
- e30Matt - 1:37.093
- Dean1484 - 1:38.48
- Nick_Comstck - 1:38.749
- jj - 1:38.9
Are all other modifications open as long as we meet the weight power and tire specs, transmission, diff can be tuned?
In reply to Nick_Comstock:
Thanks, I forgot to add that part. The car should be completely stock with only an oil change.
I may as well start this thing off. I'm usually pretty terrible at these though.

In reply to jj:

Are you talking about Daylight turn or coming out of the tunnels?
OH, Yeah I'm flat through there, get all the way out on the curbing in the tunnel and cut it down to an earlyish apex, just let the car naturally find it's way out to the curbing at the exit. You shouldn't have to pinch it or fight it to keep it on track. Although I'm not sure there is a lot of time in there, maybe a bigger opportunity to lose time but not a lot. In the Miata getting as much speed on the uphill sections as possible is the place to save time. I'm expecting the fast guy's to be solidly in the 36's.
I actually had to reset my records, I didn't realize that arcade mode reset TC preferences unlike online so my first 15 laps or so were wasted. I'm sure there's still some more time on the table, but I doubt I can do much better.

Are you guys using a controller or steering wheel?
My roommate has a PS4 so I may get GT6... 
If I have some time this weekend I may give this a run.
Are there any restrictions on traction control or ABS or any of the other driving aids?
In reply to dean1484:
Only ABS is allowed, and brake bias can be adjusted.
MINIzguy wrote:
Are you guys using a controller or steering wheel?
My roommate has a PS4 so I may get GT6...
GT6 only runs on PS3. (GT7 will be PS4, but it's likely a good year away)
I would say 75% of the GRM participants have wheels.
Well I ain't competing then.
I don't have a PS3 and didn't bring my steering wheel to college.
In reply to MINIzguy:
Most use a wheel but there's usually 1 or2 controller users. I use a controller but don't have time to run the series right now.
I ran 4 laps with the Miata this morning. I'm about 2.0sec. slower than Matt's time. What I learned is that fewer movements of the steering = faster times. Also, nailing the apex is very important.
Edit: Didn't see Air's post above. Minizguy, use your controller and give it your best shot. This group will cause you to reach the limit of your ability. They are also very helpful, just ask.
One week left! The event ends at 9pm EST Monday, March 9th.
I need to get back out and try this some more. VERY hard car to get fast in as it is a complete momentum car and it does not help that I have never been very good at this track.
In reply to dean1484:
And post a pic of your time, it's in the rules
I thought I'd do better at this one, but I'm stuck in the high 1:39 range. :(
I think too much time spent with Assetto Corsa's excellent force feedback has ruined GT6 for me.
I'll finally have time to get some laps on this tomorrow night after the league races.
I will post up photos if I am close but 2 plus seconds back I ain't going to wast my time. Takes 15 min and two computers.
dean1484 wrote:
I will post up photos if I am close but 2 plus seconds back I ain't going to wast my time. Takes 15 min and two computers.
I just used my phone, took 2 minutes.
I am a brilliant techno idiot.
Smart phone + photobucket app is the quick and easy.