Welcome to the (un)official GRM Time Trial Series!
This series will be run as a hot lap event in arcade mode and will consist of one car on one track per event. Each event will be open for 2 weeks, and submissions should be posted in this thread via screenshot of your time. Being as we are running in arcade mode it's on the individual to ensure their car is compliant with the tuning, PP, and tire limits for the event. We're on the honor system here and since there isn't anything on the line I doubt there would be intentional cheating, but be mindful that an already owned car may be tuned beyond the series specs.
- The event will be run in Arcade Mode > Single Player > Time Trial
- Rankings will be done based on the fastest posted flying lap
- Only clean laps count. The racing surface is defined as the area between and including the white lines, and the curbing. Two tires must remain on the racing surface or vertically above to count as clean. If track contact cannot be 100% determined, consider it dirty. Rumble strips count as part of the track.
- No contact with barriers or objects is allowed.
- No driving aids except ABS are allowed.
- Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
Event 3:
- Car: Nissan GT-R Nismo '14
- PP: 582
- Power: 621
- Weight: 1720
- Tires: Sports Soft
- Track: Midfield Raceway (forward)
Only an oil change and brake bias adjustment is allowed.
- Spoolpigeon - 1:10.923
- e30Matt - 1:10.987
- Advan046 - 1:11.129
- Graefin10 - 1:11.7
- Dean1484 - 1:11.868
- T.J. - 1:14.195
Sweeeeeeeet car and track.
In reply to dean1484:
Midfield's long uphill section requires a car with some power to make it interesting, and we needed a switch from RWD cars. I really enjoyed the GT-R testing we did during the break, so it seemed like a good fit. I only ran a few laps of testing, but had a lot of fun with it.
I agree I really like these cars. That is why I suggested that 09 black edition as a test. This will be a good test to see if this car is equally as good.
3/25/15 10:33 a.m.
I just tried it and only managed a 1:14.195. No sense in taking a pic of that. First time driving midfield since GT2 I think.
I'm still working on my license tests.
Hay Matt maybe we can run some "time trials" after the races tonight with that car and see who can do what?
3/25/15 12:20 p.m.
dean1484 wrote:
Hay Matt maybe we can run some "time trials" after the races tonight with that car and see who can do what?
I'm game, though I think the physics are slightly different for online and arcade modes.
Just needed one lap... always fasted first lap out.

Advan046 wrote:
Just needed one lap... always fasted first lap out.
So after you fasted on your first lap out, were you eating during the laps after that? 
In reply to e30Matt:
Darn I posted my secret to winning. Starvation diets!!
Advan046 wrote:
Just needed one lap... always fasted first lap out.
You'd make a good autocrosser! 
Spoolpigeon wrote:
Advan046 wrote:
Just needed one lap... always fasted first lap out.
You'd make a good autocrosser!
Back in my younger days I was OK. Had a few FTDs. But even then there was Spool. He would show up just before they closed tech inspection in a Dakota standard cab short bed pickup with BFG CompTA R1s on it. Or some other car. In this case it was his Dad's truck who helped out by getting the tires mounted the day before. Sleep from tech until his first run because he was a one man lawn service that worked nights at corporate complexes. Drink a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. First run would mow down plenty cones. Second run FTD!
I remember one summer a guy actually cried when we saw the Spool of Detroit pull up as he thought he had the championship in hand as long as Spool of Detroit didn't beat him that event. Of course he didn't just beat the guy Spool of Detroit got FTD at a Corvette Club Event in a Dodge Shadow!
In reply to Advan046:
He's not Spool, he's Spool's Charlottean cousin! The first event of the year here we had a guy in a DSP RX-8 set FTD by a full 3 seconds. Second place? An A Mod car
. And we don't exactly have a soft region either, last year at Nats we had drivers bring back 2 jackets and 11 other trophies...
In reply to e30Matt:
Damn! That's a serious trophy pile. Where is you region?
3/26/15 10:27 a.m.
In reply to Spoolpigeon:
Central Carolinas Region, though I'm counting trophies for those that regularly run with us, not just those who claim CCR as their home region. There are 4 other clubs in NC and we're on the SC border, so we get a lot of people who are technically from other regions even though they may only live 45 minutes from where CCR is headquartered. Still, the talent level in the area is very deep, and I know we have at least 3 multi-time jacket winners.
3/26/15 10:46 a.m.
We also have 2 sites like this, which draws a crowd. Our first event of the year was a few days after a snow storm (main roads and lot had cleared, but some side roads were still bad), had a high temp of 38*, and we still had 146 drivers.

Holy crap that's a huge lot and a ton of drivers! I'm jealous!
On topic, I did a couple laps this morning on a controller and could only muster a 11.6. It's too easy to slide the car with the controller, so I should be able to knock of a few tenths with the wheel. Turns 1 and 2 are pain for me!
In reply to Spoolpigeon:
Yeah there is time to be had. I ran some more laps after my fast one and was 0.25 seconds up by the second split but botched the hairpin.

There's still a bit left out there.
In reply to e30Matt:
Don't worry Spool will find it.....

I did a 1:11.7 tonight. That's the closest I've gotten in the 3 events. The other two weren't worth mentioning. 4WD and FWD cars can sure test your patience.
Just not enough hours in the day so far for me to sit down and try this one. Hope to get 10-15 min this weekend to give it a try. I purchased the car last night and did an oil change.
Must resist the urge to set up the PS3 now but I need to get in the car and drive to the office.. . . . .And tonight I am starting the removal of the trans in my X type hope to put the new one back in tomorrow morning.. . . Why cant real cars fix them self's like the cars do in the game.. . .
1:11.868. Photo posted tomorrow
EDIT Here U go.