8/1/14 2:35 p.m.
I have to be off to work at 10p cst tonight, but before that, I'd like to run some rooftop. Last nights shenanigans with dick taster left me deep in the hole on ammo (seriously, I actually ran out of MG ammo) and it cost me fat to reload. If anyone wants to get their grind on, lemme know.
I think I can do that.
Does double RP start today?
8/1/14 3:59 p.m.
Wanting to throw down on some levels? I admit, clearing 500 might be amusing, but I'm rapidly losing the point of levelling up...granted I'm well further than I need to be, and as Grizz pointed out a while back, I'm probably the reason Rockstar broke Rooftop.
8/1/14 4:01 p.m.
Also, I noticed an interesting phenomenon today. I attempted to join several different jobs (out of boredom more than anything) and got booted everytime. They were all wide open races and things like that, but each time I was 300+ levels ahead of everyone else in the group. I think I intimidate people.
Something going on with the servers. Can't play online right now.
8/2/14 10:33 a.m.
We need more rooftop. I am officially below 16m. I painted most of my cars...again. And swapped some wheels. And a couple of you jokers convinced me to sell my Panto for some slow POS Emporer so I had to build it. I'm also trying to create matte kelly green that isn't eyeball searing- so the crew color might switch a few times.
8/2/14 9:24 p.m.
I gotta boogie at 10p CST, work and all, but I imagine there'll be a crowd.
8/4/14 11:42 a.m.
Anyone wanna get their farm on with me? I no worm tonigjt- and I spent all the money on paint. Again. I wish it had a paint sub category within cars- I bet I've spent 3mil on paint.
8/4/14 11:45 a.m.
I'm in so long as I'm home to do it.
8/5/14 9:39 a.m.
Nope, nothing new. I shall however, be on this evening. I plan on monkeying with the colors some more, so there will likely be a new crew color, at least. I'm bent on nailing glow in the dark blue.
Still can not play online right now. WTF?!
8/5/14 10:21 a.m.
You might have a larger connection issue. IS it just isolated to GTA? I know the other night you said you didn't have a problem with Forza.... I wonder if something in your router went wonky. I know Pseudosports router was hating on him for a while, and Yamaha's router currently hates him, so it's possible there. Unfortunately, that's all I know.
I had to mess with my router settings last night in order to sign on. I’ve fixed it before but then the router IP address changed for my xbox. I now have them both set manually so hopefully its fixed for good.
8/5/14 4:06 p.m.
I'd contact Rockstar support- it's entirely possible something went to E36 M3 with your IP and as a result, you can't get your blow stuff up on.
8/5/14 5:12 p.m.
Indeed. The more the merrier as I like to say.
Especially when they shoot first, effectively killing you. 
8/5/14 5:38 p.m.
Yeah, someone needs to quit doing that. I love walking across a garage opening and getting shredded.
I'll blame Rob. Rob and the Canadian.
8/5/14 6:17 p.m.
Works for me. Though in a two man, the Canadian's actually a good 2nd man to have. He's got his lines down pat.