Evening hours mostly.
I'm always working during the prime gaming hours. Evenings during the week, and nights on the weekends.
I can't wait to go FT at my weekend job and maybe take part in the reindeer games.
Worst case- Nixon is moving to German so he will be on much earlier. I usually only play late because that's when people are on, I can play early too.
I only got to play for a few minutes yesterday, but I actually like the split window. Hopefully I can play with you guys sometime soon.
I am extremely torn on the Coque classic. (I saw what they did there) It's super close to being amazing. HOWEVER- there's a few things that to me just fail so hard, that are making me really hate it. It's almost worse than a car that blatantly fails out loud and is amazing in spite of itself, like a hilarity factor. See the Panto. It's a terrible car. TERRIBLE. But I owned one, and I liked it. Because it was so bad.
The window for me is wrong. Either it needs to teardrop at the bottom, or it needs to not be split. Something just looks.... off.
The secondary color choice is odd at best. The Hood, bumpers, and lip? no stripe? No side cut? Seems amiss. Looks like a car that was thrown together out of spare parts. The only thing you can really do is paint the secondary black, but if you're a color h00r like me, It's going to end up pearl coated.
The bumpers. They need to be split.
The sound. It sounds....neutered. It doesn't have that small displacement sound that the Stinger GT does, it doesn't have the big block noise the Coquette does. It's just... boring. Sounds like a Maxima with an exhaust leak. Totally unacceptable for a classic american big block.
These things all bug me enough that I just start hating the car when I'm driving it. It's a shame too, because I actually like the feel of the car.
mndsm wrote:Montana wrote: saw this on reddit:This is relevant to my interests.Trash Talk however, went up tremendously. It got bumped up to $22k to 16k for single player hard. With more people, you could get close to $30,000 for at most five minutes of time.
I just did trash talk hard 5 players 22k
well after grinding TT for a while, i'm really started to get annoyed. no mater where you are on the map, you always spawn at Martins and without your car... grrrr.
I'll be on starting around 530-6 CST if anyone's available.
Is TT a spawnable mission or do you need to get it through a contact first?
TT is the new hot track. I can solo it I'm just over 4min and it pays rooftop money. Thanks Rock star.
You are..... This one involves a group ride, sticking grenades and lots more exploding. Get a new Xbox already!
Been almost 3 hours now- surely you've been to Gamestop or Das Gamenloften or whatever they call it over there by now.....
Racer1ab wrote: Got on this morning and built a character. I'm a depressingly ill-equipped level 4. HALP! Step one- friend req mndsm. Step 2- find mndsm online. Step 3 follow mndsm's words of wisdom. Step 4, proceed to all the amazing things.
Here's a breakdown of the latest stuff. Neat links in there. I have a few more missions to test now, based on speed and ammo expenditure.
Side note- I'm guessing drivesideways- racerlab. For those that dont know I'm a bit of an introvert and don't always ( or ever) initiate contact. However if you do see me online and I'm playing you're more than encouraged to ping me, or if Im in a group, join it. Always willing to help- just hafta ask sometimes.
mndsm wrote: Side note- I'm guessing drivesideways- racerlab. For those that dont know I'm a bit of an introvert and don't always ( or ever) initiate contact. However if you do see me online and I'm playing you're more than encouraged to ping me, or if Im in a group, join it. Always willing to help- just hafta ask sometimes.
Same goes with me. i tend to be in his Party
GT: ND1983
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