Made some new overseas friends, made a lot of cash, perfected the 30 second yard clear. I'd say we made progress last night.
Made some new overseas friends, made a lot of cash, perfected the 30 second yard clear. I'd say we made progress last night.
mndsm wrote: The caramel apple oreos are pretty damn good. And I have all the gummy bears. ALSO- we've officially figured out the cheater route on TT. Sub 4 runs all night long. I know how to spawn at the yard with 100% reliability. As far as me blowing myself up- that's only happened a few times. You know how things go.
So was I glitching spawning at the yard that one night, or what is the trigger?
Yeah, I don't think we're SUPPOSED to be able to do it, but I figured out how to replicate it 100% of the time. Basically you A- have to be at the yard. B- you have to be the one to spawn the mission. C- you have to be IN your car (not near it or on it or under it or humping it... I know how some of you freaks are)and D- it has to be a car you can steal for yourself. IE- no luxury cars. I was using my Phoenix, my Vigero and my hearse with equal success, but the minute I tried it in my 6x6, it failed. I've also got the yard run down to about 30 seconds if I do it right. Pop the 5 guys at the gate, pop the two trucks on the left. Next 3 guys spawn take em down. Move forward to the rusty truck on the left. Pop the two Grangers that spawn at the bottom. Take out dumpster dude on the very left in front of the warehouse trucks. Pop the warehouse trucks. Clean up whatever's left from the grangers (if you were quick enough, they were all in the grangers when you blew them up, and there's no dumpster shiny happy person on the right) take out the last truck just to the right of the entrance. Do laps around the center median til the boss spawns. Kill boss, or let other guy do it if he got there fast enough. Repeat. I've actually had the whole yard cleared before Yamaha got to the first truck the majority of the runs last night.
Yeah, if I'm fast enough bush and dumpster guy die in the trucks. That's where they come from. It's critical to get to the grangers ASAP to avoid a protracted firefight. That's what I've learned.
So- We're approximately 25 days out from the 1 year anniversary of GTAO. Frightening that I've actually played it that long. I'm wondering what, if anything, they're going to do. Special content, anniversary badges, maybe go ahead and berkeley the servers one more time so no one can play again like on day one... maybe put the deadly cardboard back in the drain... who knows. Should be interesting.
Potshot might be the new solo jam. More testing needs to be done BUT- there's a playlist. And at least from what I can tell I only had to kill 10 dudes and steal a van to make 10k, it was actually easier than violent duct. About as fast too. Drive is slightly longer because of the van, but NBD. Playlisting it speeds up the process......
Testing as follows- Playlist took me an hour and 7 minutes to do 16 runs solo. That includes all the cutscenes, all the reloads, all the ammo buy ins, everything. It also includes a run I failed because I didn't know what the hell I was doing (I started the playlist with one other run under my belt- I have it down now) and one run where I inexplicably rolled my car into the riverbed and caused myself a lot of undue trouble. Safe to say I can probably run it in an hour flat knowing what I know now. Payouts varied from 4880 to 9450- most common was 7310. I didn't run individual times because let's face it, I'm lazy. Here's the kicker. Average ammo cost? 24 bucks. I kill 3 guys and I'm done. It's that easy.
Rockstar announces Ps4/Xbone copies. Up to 30 players in GTAOm enhanced GFX/collisions (no suprised) and let's hear it for MORE E36 M3 THAT WE'LL NEVER SEE! Limited edition and rare cars, plus pre-order bonuses for anyone that buys a next-gen copy. Way to stick it to the day-1 adopters on the previous gen rockstar.....
Now the only question is, how many of us are going to jump to next gen?
It would be great if online stats were shared between 360 and X1 so friends didn't get left behind. But based on how BF4 worked out, its only a dream.
I'm curious how the jump to next gen will work, especially since we are supposed to be able to bring over online characters even across different platforms. (Like my PS3 toon should land on Xbone with no IS
I'm starting to wonder if its just Rockstar's servers that don't play nice with Verizon. I've been playing Destiny a bit this week, and haven't dropped once.
Further testing is needed, and sadly, there's never enough time to play.
It remains to be seen what they'll do to placate the people that are still on previous gen. I still have other E36 M3 to buy ahead of an Xbone, namely another car, another 3DS (nintendo tricked me again) Not to mention, there STILL isn't a single good reason for me to jump to next gen. That game just isn't there. Took the 360 nearly 2 years to find me a game that I needed.... ps3 was only bought because of blu ray winning the war..... I will probably hold out unless they COMPLETELY berkeley the 360 users.
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