Oooh that means I have to stay sober for a bit. I'll try and make it on.
Richard Nixon wrote: Tonight? I really need a gang Burrito. And money.
You gets no gang burrito.....
Lady free for the weekend. Who wants to run the last 2 heists with me? I will be on tonight and/or tomorrow night.
I'm in- but I have to work- so I have to be out by 10p
Also- Nixon somehow out-painted me. Penny copper? It's impressive.
I think I'll be playing later tonight. Lately it has just been me and one friend. If two people want to jump in, it is always helpful. XBO.
The update comes out tomorrow....on a wednesday. Is R* trying to confuse people.
On the plus side, there's an event weekend and I will be lady free. Bring on the GTA binge.
Oh, nice. I didn't realize there was another one coming right now. I got to play for a few minutes last night on XB1.
Come back to the dark side. I was on for 3-4 hours last night and no one but Yamaha came on. I has a sad. I need people!
mndsm wrote: Come back to the dark side. I was on for 3-4 hours last night and no one but Yamaha came on. I has a sad. I need people!
That won't be happening for me, as much as I miss playing with you guys. Come to the bright side. We have better graphics and E36 M3.
My 360 is getting flakey and has been relocated from the good TV.
Between the Witcher and Elder Scrolls, It's hard to decide what to do once I get some gaming time.
I'm gonna try and fire up the XBONE and wreak havoc with you guys.
I will xbone, eventually. My problem lies in the fact that a- I haven't found a real solid reason to next gen yet. Forza 5 mildly interests me, I'd like to play the killer instinct reboot that came to xbone, and the new mortal kombat looks fly- but none are deal breakers. I have no interest in destiny or titanfall or games like them. Fallout 4 could be a game changer, but that's a long ways off.
Plus- I'm not buying this damn game for a 4th time.
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