In reply to TheRX7Project:
Mind if I add you to the Xbox gamer tag listing?
In reply to N Sperlo:
Yeah go ahead. Always looking for people to play with. I have a mic also but I typically don't say much unless in a mission.
In reply to TheRX7Project:
Don't worry. Most of us are fairly quiet folks. A lot of the regulars (myself, 1kris06, sperlo, etc) have known each other for a number of years, and I've met a lot of them in person. We're all a very chill bunch. You're not gonna get a whole lot of YouTube style banter unless one or more of us have been drinking. That has happened.
Fun, lighthearted convo is always welcome- I just usually have my mic turned to "crew/friends only" so I don't have to listen to the squeakers and people playing crappy music in the mic.
As far as what time I'm on, 11p-6a or so on my nights off, central time zone.
That's a lot later than me, usually 7p or so til about 10 est. Feel free to join if you do see us on. I always have a scheme and something expensive to play with.
my gamer tag is ckosacranoid if anyone wants to do some racing on xbox live. I could always go for some people that know how to game over idiots in random places killing you for no reason and not shutting up over a mic.
I have heard a nasty rumor that there is a grm member that outranks me. Say it isn't so, I don't have time to level whore like I used to.
mndsm wrote: I have heard a nasty rumor that there is a grm member that outranks me. Say it isn't so, I don't have time to level whore like I used to.
What level are you? I'm at 305 or so.
678 as of an hour ago.
And swearing violently. People have cost me 100k in vehicle upgrade fees tonight, and close to half a mil overall. I finally rage quit after I lost my 3rd delivery in my 5th room.
I'm looking at joining a crew based out of reddit called PCEO (Peaceful CEOs). Basically they group up and take over lobbies and kick everyone who isn't one of them, then do work together to make money without getting hassled. They even have a side crew of "defenders" who actively seek out and kill griefers. All I know is that the oppressor is freaking ridiculously overpowered. Wish I could afford one :)
I'm definitely interested in the pceo thing, but I want to stick with the grmv crew. I've put waaaay to much time into it. All but two of my levels overall are logged there. Also, I definitely have oppressor money right now, but I suspect a hangar is going to take it all.
I wish I was off tonight so I could join the fun. I hear Fort Zancudo is an absolute warzone. Also they finally buffed the Savage so it can take 2 rockets without blowing up. Maybe I can finally start using it in PVP!
PCEO accepted my application, so at least i'll be able to make money in friendly lobbies. If you're interested you can always switch back and forth between crews, you just have to be PCEO while in a PCEO lobby.
In reply to TheRX7Project:
You're right about zancudo being a war zone. I spent an hour chasing a kid all over the map who thought he was funny for nuking my buzzard. He won't do it again.
At least I can still kind of enjoy it from work. PCEO uses Slack to communicate so I've got it up on my phone, plus the forums are going wild. Don't tell my boss.
I like the new update, I'm cheap so i bought the cheap LSIA hangar. My new problem is that if I'm on a cargo run and somebody comes after me in their shiny new Mig and I blast him out of the sky (same guy 3 times in a row, he needs to learn the definition of insanity) I've destroyed his personal vehicle and get tagged as a bad sport.
I'm also now going to start collecting all of the planes to keep them in my hangar.
Chadeux wrote: I like the new update, I'm cheap so i bought the cheap LSIA hangar. My new problem is that if I'm on a cargo run and somebody comes after me in their shiny new Mig and I blast him out of the sky (same guy 3 times in a row, he needs to learn the definition of insanity) I've destroyed his personal vehicle and get tagged as a bad sport. I'm also now going to start collecting all of the planes to keep them in my hangar.
The only reason I didn't buy an lsia hangar was I wanted free onto the base. it was worth the million.
Some guy kamikaze'd a Besra into my cargo helicopter and cost me a shipment. I'd be angry if the thought of this wasn't so funny. Glad I decided to just sell 2 crates.
Chadeux wrote: Some guy kamikaze'd a Besra into my cargo helicopter and cost me a shipment. I'd be angry if the thought of this wasn't so funny. Glad I decided to just sell 2 crates.
Yeah, I had a modder nuke my kuruma with myself, 1kris06 and rev Rico in it. Kris shot him down, and then we vtk'ed him. He was in a hydra and I saw him glitcing all over the place, so he went away. Quiet other than that. I've also taken to doing Escort runs when im not doing anything else and see a random griefer. Seems to make friends.
I just picked up another headset, all fancy with stereo speakers and nose canceling Mic. Hopefully it lets me keep playing.
I see why the Fort Zancudo hangar is worth it. I tried bombing my buddy's hangar as a joke and my Cuban 800 took a missle to the tail as a result. Apparently literally bombing a military base is a bad idea.
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