In reply to RevRico :
I only use private servers on my PC. I think I've been on a rockstar server once.
In reply to RevRico :
I only use private servers on my PC. I think I've been on a rockstar server once.
I never took my laptop online to play period.
Seems to be, someone actually did hack my rockstar pc account. 44 minutes of online time, level 3, almost 2 million dollars spent. Which is interesting, because when I got the 30 day ban, I was level 0, with 700k and awards unlocked up to level 100, when when my Xbox account was still in the 80s.
How and why is beyond me, but now I'm tempted to build a better gaming rig so I can mod the single player game to the moon with no repercussions.
Also looks like it's time to go through and change all my passwords, again. Any tips on shutting steam down completely? I have no purchased games I care about, and the emails seemingly weekly about someone logging in from some v bizarre city are getting annoying.
TheRX7Project said:I've got one office garage dedicated to muscle cars, one dedicated to sports and super cars, and one to tuner cars and lowriders. Across the street my apartment garage has my "work" vehicles (Insurgent, armored Kuruma, Duke o Death, etc.) I've got 4 empty garages around the city now...
I've started organizing that way. Armored kuruma, dod, half track, both insurgents....basically the fight starting floor. All my bikes went out to my club house, I might fill the rest of my garages with hearses.
In reply to mndsm :
How do you get the hearse? I want one but haven't managed to glitch one in yet.
And RevRico I would definitely go at least change the password on your Steam account, I've never gotten an email about someone logging in under my account. Someone definitely used your account for modding GTA.
They did, got an email this morning from social club changing its access email address to something in Russian, and my country to turjikstan.
Changed the email back, changed my password, but now I can't use social club to change anything because ONE FREAKING USERNAME CHANGE PER YEAR LIMIT. Not that I've used the social club at all since I joined GRMV, because that's the only reason to use social club at all. I just hope I'm still in the crew.
Thanks rockstar, your crack website security has gotten an UNUSED account banned, as well as God knows what else of my accounts compromised. But it's ok, it's my fault, for never using my damn account let alone compromising the access information behind ancient recaptcha technology. Oh wait, that's on YOU.
It's great to see rockstar ignoring tickets and support requests going back 3 years for this exact issue. Little Google searching turned up thousands of people with this same problem, with about 5% actually getting a reply or any help from rockstar. Guess as long as they're still selling shark cards and drip feeding content(seriously not even a drip fed overpriced plane this week?) They could care less about long and short term customers. Shame, I was looking forward to RDR2 and bully 2,but not anymore.
Edit: they closed my support request already. No email, no questions, no changes, just closed the ticket.
It was fun playing gtav with you guys, but I'm officially done with rockstar now. I let the micro transactions slide, the drip fed content go, the unpatched 4 year old problems, the ancient game engine, the griefers, the constant connection problems, I let it all slide, but now I'm at my limit.
May rockstar games collapse like acclaim and so many others that came before them.
TheRX7Project said:In reply to mndsm :
How do you get the hearse? I want one but haven't managed to glitch one in yet.
And RevRico I would definitely go at least change the password on your Steam account, I've never gotten an email about someone logging in under my account. Someone definitely used your account for modding GTA.
Hearse is a cakewalk. Find someone with one (I think I have 4) and have them take it to the church in the northwest corner of Los Santos. It should auto spawn one in the parking lot. If it doesn't, drive round the block and try again. Shame we live such opposite schedules, it's literally a 2 minute job.
In reply to RevRico :
They're not ignoring your ticket, yet. They just pend close it because someone is theoretically looking into the issue. I'd reply to whatever email you get back and be sure to stay on their ass. Happened to me, and I got it resolved.
In reply to mndsm :
I got one- someone from my crew was cruising around in one, shot him a text, he drove me to the spot and it spawned first try. Now I own a blacked-out hearse on blades with blacklight neons.
With the bunker sale going on, I moved bunkers also. Sold out my stock and bought the one on the west coast freeway between LS and Fort Zancudo. I figure it saves me 3.5 miles per sale instead of driving all the way from Paleto Bay. Since it was fully upgraded, the bunker itself was better-than-free (I actually gained $4k on the trade-in) but I still had to buy all the upgrades again which soaked up $2.1M. Still totally worth it to save so much time, it will cut some of those drives in half.
I got a reply from a supervisor! All he said was "all bans are final".
My reply started with "so you didn't even read the ticket, that's good" and I went on from there. Surpassingly, I didn't swear or make any personal insults. I brought up my being a customer longer than most gtao players have been alive, and how simple 2 factor authentication would be, compared them to EA from a customer relations perspective, and restated that I don't care at all about the ban on my PC account.
We'll see. At this point it's a fight of principle for me. I'm not even asking for money or in game items, I want the stupid social club nickname thing changed and I'll be satisfied. I do have some serious doubt about continuing to feed the Rockstar machine in the future though.
In reply to TheRX7Project :
And all I got was a sanctus. Needed to finish off my Halloween collection. Bike is useless. Cool headlight tho.
It's already annoying when somebody blows you up repeatedly with 3 different flying vehicles, but then you notice that they're rank 32. Which means they definitely through several hundred dollars in cash cards at this game instead of grinding like I'm trying to do over here. Pretty sure this is why none of my friends play this game anymore.
In reply to Daylan C :
If you start a second character, you share wallets, so if you wanted to troll others, save up a few million for aircraft /buildings and start another player.I still limits your weapons to your level,but vehicles are fair game.
The grind this game has quickly turned into, even for someone who couldn't play online until this year, has quickly sucked the fun right out of it. Steal the same 12 cars over and over, buy supplies, sell product, repeat.
At least Take 2 has come out and said they'll be adding microtransactions, and therefore hardcore grinding, to all future titles until it quits being profitable. Because selling people a complete game they can enjoy by themselves or with a small group is just silly when you can charge them and then break their will down until they actually spend more real money or just quit playing.
In reply to Daylan C :
Don't forget the possibility of a funded main. I could take out a new toon and be riding as an oppressor as a level one. Edit- I can read good.
The game is definitely a grind. There are some things, some neat races and stuff. At this point im just collecting stuff that looks fun.
In reply to Mndsm :
I suddenly came to the realization that you can own a lots of garages and store lots of cars now, so that's my new objective in this game. On PS3 the 30 car limit was a real problem for me. Now I realized you can own 4 10 car high end garages, plus a garage under your office that can store 60 cars, and then a clubhouse to store 10 bikes. So now I'm trying to go full Jay Leno over here. Accommodations so I can spawn at the office and have my assistant call up any of them from any location is nice too. Attempts are not going well on making this happen though.
In reply to Daylan C :
I'm pretty sure it's 6 garages, plus the 60, and the mc club. I own 5 high ends plus the CEO for sure, and the club. It's insane. I don't even know where half my E36 M3 is.
I finally came to the realization that I need to stop trying to make big sales by myself. I still have no money but all 3 of my currently owned garages are pretty much full. Like I said, I'm terrible with saving my fake money.
With the smugglers run dripfeed coming to an end, finally, I think it's time for a slight change of tactics.
Looking back through time, rockstar has been friendly with business bonuses in December. So I'm suggesting we save a little time and change things up a little bit.
Pending tomorrow's sales, in going to be getting a large CEO crate warehouse. But rev, you HATE crates. Yes, yrs I do. But I'm also almost out of stuff to do, and a large warehouse full with any excess bonus at all is worth 3 million. Just slowly spend the time filling it up until it's full and leave it, like we did the hangar crates. And keep the small for the rare/special crates that come along.
And yes, I'll be glad to help as long as I get help too.
The one real change to the way we play though I'd like to make is the timing if we do this. One person per day or block off hour blocks. Why? To boost the CEO pay to the associates as much as we can. Probably should have thought of this when we had associate double pay last week. Associate pay goes up by the job, so sell a set of cars, do crates, cars again, crates again, etc. Until the associate pay is maxed out or the person is out of cars.
I haven't tested this theory, but I think if one person leaves and comes back to the organization, the pay rate of the org stays the same, so not the leader could quit and resupply coke or bunkers-then join again at the same pay rate.
Just thinking out loud how we could maximize profits going into the next drip feed of content and any Xmas bonuses that crop up.
In reply to RevRico :
This concept is something I could be interested in. I have Some thing like 8 more deliveries to do to finish off my jewels. I have a 16 slot crate warehouse....somewhere. I don't even remember where it is or what's in it. I know I need 9ish cars to load my garage. I could give a E36 M3 about research at this point, I got my minigun last night. Coke warehouse is what it is.
@daylan- what platform are you on? If it's xb1, Rico, myself, and 1kris06 in particular are extremely well versed in any mission you can think of. We know all the deliveries, the routes, etc, and have been st it long enough we've bought the right vehicles for nearly any task. I won't speak for anyone else, but I know I am more than willing to do any run you have.
I'm on PS4 unfortunately. I've had decent luck getting on at odd hours and doing runs in light lobbies. I've been doing smuggling runs and Forgery sales through my MC, selling when it gets to be worth about 20k, I have an office and a small warehouse too but I got tired of doing the crates because every other one seems to involve chasing down a helicopter, and if I have to rent a helicopter it eats into my profits heavily. Next purchase is probably going to be a vehicle warehouse so I can get into that field. Thinking I need to add a helicopter and an armored car of some flavor to my fleet asap as well.
In reply to Mndsm :
The cheapest large is 1.9 million, holds 111 crates. Assuming 3 man teams, that's 37 runs at 18k per, bringing the initial cost for the large warehouse plus filling the fastest, most expensive, way to 2.6 million. (56 runs at 8k for doubles is 488k for reference)
111 crates pays 2.2 million, so it would almost pay for itself without any bonuses. It would pay for itself if done with doubles. Wow, as much as I hate them maybe I do need to start running them again.
With my earlier example of cars crates on repeat, it could be easily done with 3 or 4 people, sell the cars, run 2 crate buys, sell cars, that's 18 to 24 crates, by the time the cars are all sold, that could fill up the warehouse pretty quickly and the associates would make decent(well better) money doing it. Good God, that would be 4 million in car sales before the 2.2 million crate sale... Not a bad way to produce at all.
Solo public session on ps4 this should make things a little easier
In reply to RevRico :
I like the time block function. Doing whole sessions would get boring without changing up ceo's, plus, there's only 4-6 vehicle sales before you need to refill.
In reply to 1kris06 :
Yea, but running other stuff during the cool down. I like the time block idea, it might be difficult to make it fair all the time, but like the weekend when we were switching every 10 minutes it would work well.
Example: 3 of us on. I CEO up for an hour, with 2 associates (one when selling cars). I can sell 2 cars, we do sight seer, steal 3 crates. We can do that 3 times in an hour. As an associate, that's 9 jobs so 54k, plus 75 from sight seer, so 130k in an hour. Versus 30k as an associate when we sell cars in constant rotation. And of course, as CEO 675k minus the 54k in crate costs.
It's the strategy everyone recommended when I was first getting started actually, but I couldn't afford the vehicle warehouse back then. I also think it would be a little more fair and profitable for ckosacranoid and help get him his upgrades, office, and warehouse.
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