failboat wrote:
I just had to steal a cargobob (freight helicopter thing) in preparation for a heist. I entered the army base at the west entrance after I decided there wasn't an easier way to sneak in.
Hit the gate at full speed, drove straight in to the base, and slid the truck right up in front of the copter near the door to provide some cover, I got out of there with only very minor loss in health (you get 4 stars when you enter the base). you could probably do the same to get a jet if they have them there, just scope it out and figure out where they are parked before you blast through the gate. And don't stop the truck right in front of the plane I guess blocking your exit. I hear its easier to snag one that has an open cockpit to speed up your departure.
Yeah, I've done that mission, only I think I went in from the east gate and just blitzed through. The other times I've tried I haven't been able to get to a plane yet.
Oh well, just keep trying.
9/24/13 9:49 a.m.
Powar wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
I also guess you can't fly any of the big passenger planes from the airport?
I think you have to finish the flight school before you can fly these.
Not true- I made off with a 747 shortly after I did my very first plane mission- I haven't done any of the flight schools. Then it blew up.
9/24/13 9:52 a.m.
failboat wrote:
I did the same thing once. except I landed squarely on top of a propane tank. It did not explode immediately, just when I thought I survived after a few seconds it exploded.
My Trevor character is pretty accident prone. I have died with him about 5x more than the other two guys. Hes probably my favorite character, his commentary while running over animals is amusing.
protip: windowless dajiban van...I am told it is a bodyshop option, not a windowless van you find on the street.
It is an option. I didn't do it- but it's there. I don't know that I'll revisit it- it's cool, but even FULLY built (and it's got all the parts I can throw at it, on it) and it's still slow as balls. And I think I left it at the strip club. Gotta transport my ladies somehow. On that note, I need to remember to get back to Franklin's place and pick up that stupid Ruiner I've been working on. It seems as if i've unlocked everything at Los Santos- I want to build the boso rocket I've been working on lol.
z31maniac wrote:
Those of you who have nabbed one of the military
This is how I get the F16/18: Get in your blimp. Approach the base low (not too low) from the south. Cross low over the fence to the right of the tower and head for the first revetment on the other side of the runway (you may not see the plane it in from a distance). They won't even give you the airspace warning until you have almost set down.
You want to shoot to land as close to the revetment as possible on its right. Jump out (4 stars). Shoot the one guard that is there. Run to the side of the jet, jump in.
You may take a few shots and you will need to hit the burners and make a quick left to avoid the hummers. Take off as quick as possible, stay low, then duck down toward the ocean as quick as possible. If you are lucky, you will not get hit by the missile they shoot at you. Have fun with the guns and rockets (which will lock on to any police vehicle)
I have not tried for the C-130, but I suspect I could do it in the same way.
9/24/13 10:07 a.m.
Ok, I just bought this last night but passed out playing shortly after becoming the white guy beating up the car dealer dude. 
When and where can you do the flight schools?
You have to get to the point where the Meth head guy goes to Los Santos. After that it is open at the main airport.
The airplane parts are not that hard, but the helicopter and parachute ones are pretty challenging (to get gold at least). The helicopter is hard, for me, because the controller is so damn sensitive/twitchy. I might try turning down the sensitivity.
i hate the helicopters. i quit the flight school when i kept crashing, although I think i need to complete it now to take on the next heist, even though Michael's flying stats are maxed out.
9/24/13 11:52 a.m.
failboat wrote:
i hate the helicopters. i quit the flight school when i kept crashing, although I think i need to complete it now to take on the next heist, even though Michael's flying stats are maxed out.
I know which heist you're at- I think..... and I went the ground route. Screw dealing with choppers.
do you mean where it warns you that you might have to take out choppers to steal the cargobob?
I didnt even bother, I drove right into the base and quickly stole it and headed east. It sounded like they were shooting missles at me but I didnt get hit, I just kept going east and somehow outran the attack helicopters and lost the wanted level. it was absurdly easy.
9/24/13 12:06 p.m.
failboat wrote:
do you mean where it warns you that you might have to take out choppers to steal the cargobob?
I didnt even bother, I drove right into the base and quickly stole it and headed east. It sounded like they were shooting missles at me but I didnt get hit, I just kept going east and somehow outran the attack helicopters and lost the wanted level. it was absurdly easy.
Yeah, I didn't end up having to steal a cargobob. Somehow the FIB got it for me. It was a PITA to fly to pick up the package, that's for sure.
9/24/13 12:34 p.m.
Today's observation- Trevor is a weird dude. Did a character switch to him- and he wakes up on the beach somewhere, boat offshore, buncha dead dudes around him wearing nothing but underpants and shoes, and says "The only one left standing...again" I was in the middle of nowhere.
In reply to mndsm:
I once found him drunk in a dumpster, wearing a dress.
My last random switch to him found him in sweatpants, vomiting in a fountain.
Great game!
Am I the only one who thinks they might have gone a little too far with the prostitute stuff? I picked one up for the classic "kill the hooker to get your money back" routine and I think I've heard less explicit language in actual porn movies. Used to just be cheesy and hilarious in prior GTAs. I see why they had to use fine print in the rating box on this one.
Also DO NOT BOARD THE SUBWAY, you have to ride it with no way out and you can't steal it, destroy it, or use weapons riding it.
9/24/13 1:13 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Also DO NOT BOARD THE SUBWAY, you have to ride it with no way out and you can't steal it, destroy it, or use weapons riding it.
It was that way in GTAIV as well, IIRC.
9/24/13 1:22 p.m.
Yeah, I was mad I couldn't hijack it. I wanted to crash it.
Anyone try the train?
I like using the cat to flip cars... and busses.
9/24/13 1:36 p.m.
I need to find a stash of tow trucks. I want to daisy chain em.
mndsm wrote:
Ahhhhh NOW I know. I recognize that Miata. IIRC Keith does too.
Long time reader - just lazy about actually posting anything. Actually meant to post in your thread about the CG Drive-In - I used to work there back in high school! Hey, there should be a drive-in in GTA V - that could be fun :)
Actually, the black Miata in my profile pic belongs to a buddy (I believe it was owned by Paul Weidner at one point). Mine is the green NB in the Reader's Rides part of my profile. You may also remember me from such highways as 494 (we passed each other on 494 maybe about a year ago - you in the MS3 and me in the 2.5RS).
RossD wrote:
I joined the GRM social club as RzaRando
Welcome, and congrats on the promotion! :D
Here's the latest hierarchy below. Let me know if anyone wants a specific role within our organization. I don't think I can demote myself, but I believe commissioners have essentially the same privileges as the leader.

9/24/13 2:45 p.m.
Promotion and I didn't even do anything! 
I should start playing more missions. I tend to do one then start cruising around for no apparent reason.
9/24/13 2:54 p.m.
RossD wrote:
I should start playing more missions. I tend to do one then start cruising around for no apparent reason.
Same here. Having too much fun running fares around in the taxi.