N Sperlo wrote:
You guys are laaaaame. Lame lame lame lame lame!
Hey, we got on and wrecked some E36 M3 the other night. LOL Would be more fun with the whole damn crew online though. We need to schedule something so we get more than me and N Sperlo on.
Who wants to schedule something?
I'm up for scheduling something. I'm typically online after 9pm CST.
Gamertag is Deiuxe (reads as Deluxe in game).
I'm on right now. Anyone getting on?
That would be my wife, playing berkeleying minecraft, FYI 
N Sperlo wrote:
You guys are laaaaame. Lame lame lame lame lame!
Lol, I just got your message this morning. SWMBO and I each had a longass day Saturday and retired early. I will try to join in the shenanigans this weekend, or maybe jump on one night after midnight EST.
They announced the special and collector edition bonuses today, anyone springing for them?
Admittedly, I want that deposit bag and the in-game bike and hotrod. I can probably sell that stupid snapback cap on eBay for a few dollhairs.
How cool is it that all preorders come with a blimp? 
5/23/13 4:03 p.m.
Racer1ab wrote:
They announced the special and collector edition bonuses today, anyone springing for them?
Admittedly, I want that deposit bag and the in-game bike and hotrod. I can probably sell that stupid snapback cap on eBay for a few dollhairs.
How cool is it that all preorders come with a blimp?
I'm going to get them...just need to decide what console I'm going with. I have a PS3 now, but it's been acting up.
Only place for me to preorder is friggin Wal-Fart... This town sux...
In reply to Conquest351:
You can always preorder on Gamestop's site and have it shipped, or Amazon if you think GS is pure evil.
Racer1ab wrote:
They announced the special and collector edition bonuses today, anyone springing for them?
Admittedly, I want that deposit bag and the in-game bike and hotrod. I can probably sell that stupid snapback cap on eBay for a few dollhairs.
How cool is it that all preorders come with a blimp?
GTA is the only game I've ever gotten all the extras on.
In reply to N Sperlo:
Only the Forzas and GTA here. In fact, I got a compliment the other day on my old FM3 keychain. 
Amazon will give you release day shipping if ordered on prime, that is, it will arrive release day.
5/23/13 9:20 p.m.
IDK if i can swallow 150$ for one frickin game....the two extra cars aren't all that worth it to me.
I may just order the game and get all the extra crap when it's available as DLC in a few months. I think I have almost 10,000 MSPoints. LOL
Playing now. N Sperlo is the handle. Jump in the party.
I'll probably just get the normal version when it comes out. I'm mostly just interested in driving around "LA" since I enjoy seeing their interpretations of cities I know well. (Especially LA since it's where I live.)
By the way, I'll be at E3 in a couple weeks, if I see/get anything good in regards to GTAV I'll post it up here.
5/25/13 7:17 p.m.
Olivia wrote:
I really wish they restore some fun loving ridiculousness to the sequence. GTA4 was too serious and disappointing, in addition to the tasks were much more "on rails" than the before activities.
This is why I beat Saints Row 3 TWICE, and gave up at about 20% in GTA IV and will probably never play the expansions.
5/25/13 8:57 p.m.
May be old news to everyone else, but I just found out that the new Saints Row comes out one month before GTA. Oh FUN!! I agree that GTA has lost some of it's over the top craziness. Even at that, it's still light years ahead of its competitors (if there are any left).
Oh, that was a blast. Just got done with hours of fun on GTA IV. Can't wait for GTA V. I'm good without the craziness. I've been playing since GTA II, but have no problem with GTA IV. I've only heard good things about GTA V, but have played Saints Row and find their "over the top craziness" annoying. The realism is all lost, and that's what I play for. I've always been a big fan of Rockstar's games. I even had a big ole Rockstar bumper sticker on the Interceptor. I miss that car...
Anyways, like I said, feel free to jump in to my party any time and play some. The bigger the party, the better.
SO MUCH FUN!!! I have to say again, the grenade from the chopper killing 2 dudes at the same time was friggin epic.
Oh, y'all want the story? OK...
Conquest351 drove to the airport and hijacked a chopper, came by and scooped his brother N Sperlo up and we proceeded to track down these 2 guys. They were on a motorcycle and pulled into a paint shop. N Sperlo chunks a grenade out from the side of the chopper and kills them both in the explosion. LOLs ensue. Online high-fives were given.
Seriously dude, more people need to get online with us and play. So much fun stuff!!!
That would be optimal. It really was a blast, so all you lazy peoples, jump in!
I just downloaded Call Of Juarez from the XBox market last night. Friggin fun game!! FPS set in the old west.
Play Red Dead Redemption yet?