So my 12 year old has dragged me into this:
Here's a synopsis for you. It's sort of like GT6 in WWII battle tanks. Start out in old, crappy tanks and work your way up. Upgrade the guns, suspension, camo, radios, fire suppression, etc, etc. Work your way up to bigger, better, faster, more powerful models. Sound familiar? Then battle it out online. Its free, unless you want to pay to accelerate your progress. There is a huge online player community, so you can pick up a couple different tanks and pretty much battle from logon until you are tired of it. (Or SWMBO says "Go to bed, you idiot") The tanks are ranked, so you don't end up playing against someone who's tank is way better than yours. It takes about 15 minutes to learn. My son's handle is Deadmeat24.
By the way, if you take the proverbial blue pill (or was it the red pill?), I'll see you back here in about 3 weeks, where you'll be muttering about how the M3 is a bullet magnet and the Russian tanks are indestructible.
FYI this M3 is not the E36 M3:

kazoospec wrote:
FYI this M3 is not the E36 M3:
That's a Grant - 37mm in the turret... 75mm on the hip... still no match for a Panzer Mk IV... or even a mk III special.
Best tank of WWII... German Panther
5/4/14 4:25 a.m.
I've been playing it on the 360 for awhile.......its quite good fun but infuriating at times.
Just started playing. I think I'm going to take a break from GTA V for a while. Nixon may join in on the fun.
5/26/14 12:30 a.m.
HMU anytime, I can show everybody the ropes......I also love playing the little tanks too.
My favorite is the Russian T-50 with a fast firing 37mm. It's not exactly a killer, but it can travel faster than most tanks can traverse the turret, so if you can get close, you can drive circles around heavier tanks and just keep pumping shells into them. Have to imagine its infuriating to be on the receiving end. 
yamaha wrote:
HMU anytime, I can show everybody the ropes......I also love playing the little tanks too.
I'll have to sent you a friend request, somehow we're not friends on XBL.
Nixon showed me how to use the Artillery tanks last night, fun, but kind of useless when the entire platoon gets wiped out before you can get one shot out.
5/26/14 6:52 p.m.
Screw you guys, I'm still playing GTA.
I didn't say I'm not going to play GTA, I'm just taking a break.
5/26/14 11:11 p.m.
First game playing as arty........and my one kill was from shotgunning 
5/29/14 12:47 p.m.
The Soviets are coming, the soviets are coming, to the xbox 360 version!!!!!!!!
Its about damn time..... 
June 3rd "Steel Wall" update.
Didn't realize Xbox didn't have the Soviet tanks. They . . . are . . . awesome.
5/29/14 9:15 p.m.
In reply to kazoospec:
Over time we got the premium ones made available.....but otherwise we've only had a few maps and British, German, and USA tanks.
In reply to yamaha:
My favorite Russian tanks are the T-50 light tank with 37mm (for reasons described above) and the T-34. I'm still working to upgrade the T-34, but its nearly as fast as most light tanks with decent armor and a serviceable gun.
Last night, I used the T-50 to go flying through the other teams lines, found one of their arty tanks, drove around behind him and then pushed him out like a hostage into the middle of a clearing. It was pretty funny because none of the rest of his team could get a shot without killing him. Eventually I got bored, shot the hostage and was immediately peppered from about 5 different locations. I'm still finding creative ways to annoy people with the T-50.
5/30/14 12:16 p.m.
In reply to kazoospec:
xbox version also has "friendly fire" turned your trolling wouldn't work there. 
Thanks guys, now I'll never sleep again
nicksta43 wrote:
Thanks guys, now I'll never sleep again
Unsolicited bad ideas are pretty much how we roll around here.
I'm watching some live tournament play while I fold laundry
6/3/14 1:02 p.m.
Allegedly this is a pretty quick download guys, and after I get settled in with soviets.....I'm going to be exploring the incredible world of "Derp Guns" on some of these tanks(Think Hetzer, Pz IV, Medium2, etc)
Special on right now . . . tank soccer with T-62's. Its awesome . . .
6/23/14 3:16 p.m.
I haz derp gun on my KV-1
122mm of Soviet Derp that will take at least half health from about anything in tier 5/6......
I loved the derp gun on the KV-1....but I found the howitzer to be more effective especially if you have your gunner 100% trained and he can load fast. I could pump out shells fast enough to negate the lower hitting power of the 85MM F30 cannon. I bought the T150 and Im kicking myself for having sold my KV-1, loved that tank.
6/24/14 11:22 a.m.
In reply to Fobroader:
My friends have an answer to that reloading issue......roll a full platoon 3 deep with derp armed KV-1's. On Cliff we just roll down the "Valley of Death" 3 wide and kill everything. Last night we went down the tracks at widepark then opened up on the enemy from their base shotting a churchill 1 is an awesome thing.