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donalson PowerDork
9/21/15 5:43 p.m.

not particularly bad tank... but spending money to get past could be said about every tier4 and under tank... I didn't care for it but enjoyed the identical one in the china line... go fig... the one after it on the USSR line I enjoyed more... t-28 is still one of my most fond memories but most people hate it... it's fast and mobile with a great needle gun that'll pen the sides and rears without an issue (I've used the same gun all the way up to tier6 tanks happily)... but it's also the size of the barn with as much armor as the ELC...

SnowMongoose Dork
9/21/15 7:40 p.m.

Got past it, was weird having so little speed, no camo, AND having to hold still to hit anything.
One match down with the next tank, can't say anything about it because it got killed almost instantly.

Must admit, am starting to enjoy the M7, being able to be on the murdering end of a ramming attack was super satisfying.

SnowMongoose Dork
9/22/15 4:59 p.m.

Taking a while to adjust to medium life, not being able to detect enemies for E36 M3 sucks, lots of getting killed by things I can't see.

T-28 is working like everything else I own, 9/10 times I get blown up immediately, the tenth time I kill a dude or three, we'll see how I do once I upgrade it all the way for the grind to KV-1

donalson PowerDork
9/22/15 5:02 p.m.

... try this with them for a bit... when the coutdown timer goes... wait for 30 sec to a full min before moving... by that point you'll know where people are going and likely a few things spotted, then you won't be the first thing spotted, these meds you have are def not brawlers so staying back at 2nd line and not the main focus...

SnowMongoose Dork
9/22/15 5:52 p.m.

I picked up the 'wait a while' tip a few pages ago, employ it any time I'm not actively scouting.
Doesn't seem to make much difference with these mediums, I get hit out of nowhere, insta tracked if not outright killed.
I'll try waiting longer.

Am I understanding this right, the T-28 is not useful as a medium, rather I should play it as a slow light?
I'm not yet seeing the plusses of the gun everyone on the internets is recommending.
(The ZIS-4, which doesn't appear to be as penetration happy or accurate as has been suggested)

donalson PowerDork
9/22/15 6:45 p.m.

there are a few types of meds... some are support, some snipers, some are brawlers... this is the support/sniper where you shoot what is already lit up... you don't want to be close in... anything shooting HE will pen you and kill you... in fact in a kv2 or m4 sherman running derp the t-28 was a fav of mine as it's so big and lightly armored that it was difficult to miss and not kill... but you don't want to be long distance sniping either... somewhere in between... so something else is lit and closer so they get shot at and not you...

the 57mm is a great gun... super fast shooting and compared to most of the guns at that tier it's fairly accurate and has one of the best pens with prem rounds for it's tier (190mm?) it's more accurate than many of my tier7 tanks... also if your crew isn't at 100% base it's difficult to judge the tank... one of the big frustrations at lower tiers especially if you are a free to play player... now that I'm further a long I use crap crews or other crews in those low tier tanks as I'm just rushing though them anymore...

and for stats on that tank... did 207 battles... 61% w/r, 354 avg xp (no prem account) and 361 dmg a game for a 1262 wn8... it was back when I was an orange player... I forced myself to get the crew to 100% and then a good bit of camo built up on it... it wasn't always pleasant being so fragile but it set me up for different play styles... the kv1 (next tank in line) is completely the opposite... good armor and slow slow slow... learn where to be and how to angle and side scrape when you get to it :)... but I think the biggest take away I learned was that good armor but slow sucks and is difficult to use when bottom tier... one reason I like meds is they are flexable, their armor is camo and speed/maneuverability... but kv-1 is a lot more forgiving than what you've been playing so a good place to spend some time with... get your crew to 100% repairs on it before moving on up etc etc.

SnowMongoose Dork
9/23/15 5:00 p.m.

4k more exp until I can do the KV-1 without dipping into fancy xp.
Some day I'll have a tank that doesn't get tracked first shot every time.
Some day.

T-28 is fine as long as my teammates are spotting, I have open terrain, and I have bushes/rocks to hang out behind.
Otherwise... not so useful.

EDIT: zomg, got the KV-1. I mean, it's unupgraded, but it's a heavy tank, the odds of getting one shotted have got to be lower, right?

SnowMongoose Dork
9/24/15 8:33 p.m.

Bone stock KV-1 is trash, second level version is slightly better, so long as you're up against mediums.
Which isn't to say that there aren't medium tanks it struggles against.

Happier news, somehow managed to score five kills with the T-28.
Then got my ass handed to me in my ELC AMX by some light tank I'd never seen before.
THEN just now somehow managed to come from behind, was 4 v 2, ended up with seven (?!) T-28 kills AND surviving to win.

donalson PowerDork
9/24/15 8:54 p.m.

for the KV-1... stock it is pretty bad... it is miserably... the tracks made a HUGE difference... the stock turret is very soft... top one is much better... for guns 57mm or 85mm... as a newer player the 85mm will prob fit you better... if you are willing to spam some prem rounds the 57 is amazing as it puts out that massive DPM... 122mm sounds great but it is a complete liability, slow reload and very unreliable/inaccurate.

check out youtube for some vids on angling your armor and side scraping... it's a great tank i've got about 250 battles in mine... I need to buy it back and build a crew for it as it's a common tank for tourney play

SnowMongoose Dork
9/24/15 9:02 p.m.

I'm starting to see a trend, wherein I complain about every new tank until I start to get the hang of it. :P
Just had a match in the KV-1 that I lost but survived, I earned/dealt 1232/1363...
Second closest teammate did 280/230

The_Jed UberDork
9/24/15 9:04 p.m.

I actually prefer the T28 to the KV1...blasphemy, I know. I'm more of a stick and move kind of guy, rather than relying on angles to hopefully bounce shots, I prefer to avoid the shots altogether.

donalson PowerDork
9/24/15 9:12 p.m.

I also loved the t-28 (dash is important... there is another tank that gets the t28 designation)... but the kv-1 is a great tank and a good place to start really learning

SnowMongoose Dork
9/24/15 9:21 p.m.

I'm having better luck with the T-28, starting to toe the line between too close and too far, also getting better at using my teammates as distractions while I plink away.
Also working on decision making: when to sit still and hit accurately vs make a break for it and fire from the hip.

donalson PowerDork
9/24/15 10:10 p.m.

all things that I remember starting to learn the t-28 :)

SnowMongoose Dork
9/25/15 8:13 p.m.

Unlocked the biiiiiig gun for the KV1, as satisfying as it is to one shot mediums, not sure it's for me.
Totally random question, the other day a guy on my team had a really boxy tank with what appeared to be a pole or aerial or something sticking vertically out of the top...
what tank was that?

donalson PowerDork
9/25/15 9:10 p.m.

something liek this?

if so it's the flak bus/flak toaster aka the pz sfl IVc... german tier5 TD... with the top gun it can shoot nearly verticle... in real life the sides folded down to be a standing platform for the crew

SnowMongoose Dork
9/25/15 9:52 p.m.

That's the one!
Fully 'upgraded' the KV1, trying to decide if I like the 57 or the 85 more.
The question then becomes, what tank does Snow want to go towards next?
Mostly been jumping between the KV and the T-28, using the AMX and Locust if the two Rooskies are asploded.

donalson PowerDork
9/25/15 10:13 p.m.

85 is easier on the wallet for pub games... spend some time in the kv-1... research ALL the tanks off of it... by then you should have a 100% perk crew...

for other tanks... m4 is a good med but requires going though hell (m3 lee) also the t-34 is great but also requires going though the t-50 another very bad tank that gets scout MM... but the tier5s are good for their tiers and a good place to learn med play

SnowMongoose Dork
9/26/15 6:14 p.m.

As is - of course - the case, now that I have my own overpowered pz1c, I can't do E36 M3 with it.
That being said, I've been utterly unsuccessful for any of the four goddamn hours I've played this game today, regardless of tank.

Most recent highlight: getting behind an enemy heavy, almost close enough that we're touching, letting go with an entire magazine from the pz1c, for no pens, no crits, no damage.
Of course!

Newest most recent, similar scenario except it's a medium this time.
No crits, only took a sliver of health from three that actually got through.
Give it to me straight, is it simply that I'm worthless?

kazoospec Dork
9/26/15 6:31 p.m.

Are you watching the "pointer arrow" color? Kazoo Jr. pointed it out to me after I had been complaining about similar results. If it's red, pen is unlikely, yellow it's questionable, green, most rounds will pen. Sometimes with the pz1c, you've gotta search out the "weak spots" and look for the pointer to "go green" before shooting. Doesn't really work that well "on the fly", but if you're stopping to shoot, check it before you fire. Since I've started watching it carefully, my pen rate has gone up substantially.

SnowMongoose Dork
9/26/15 6:35 p.m.

In reply to kazoospec:

I'm on the XBONE, red is good, orange is meh, yellow is bad.
But yes, I attempt to employ that mechanic.

I'm now ten rounds in with the pz1c, one kill to my name.
And that was vs an afk TD, and I was killed three seconds later.
Sorta miffed they don't have an award for 'worst tanker ever'

Thankfully the path to the pz1c isn't a hard grind like say, the ELC was, though racking up 2000 xp in the tank before the pz took a while with all the exploding and such.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
10/2/15 10:16 a.m.

Holly crap the Tier IV Pz.Sfl.IVb is a bad ass arty slinging machine.

SnowMongoose Dork
10/2/15 7:37 p.m.

Took a couple days off, started today off well with some KV-1 action, I think I was even playing it right, angling my armor, picking proper targets, not getting too far ahead of my support.

First game with the PZ went likewise well, up until I engaged a medium tank that I was unwilling to damage from any angle :P
T-28 might be my 'best' tank right meow, though it's very map dependent
(AKA Snow sucks in cities)

Kendall_Jones HalfDork
10/2/15 7:59 p.m.

I think most of the comments in this thread are for the PC version. I'm on the XB360 and notice:

  • reading all the hoopla I went and worked my way up to the KV-1. Sucky and slow, tank treads are made of glass. I've optioned it up to the next tanks (KV-1s or something) and decided thats where its staying. I find as the tiers get higher the damage gets higher so I'm OK with staying in the tier 4-5 area.

  • I prefer my T1 heavy (with GLD & Rammer) to the KV-1. I know its not the most robust, but its quick and the upgrades make it pretty formidable. I have full intuition but it never seems to quickly load the second shot. Whatev.

  • School must be back in session as I'm finding myself always the sole remaining tank 3 minutes into the game. One time I played for 3+ hours and never won a match. Once in awhile I get on the other side and find myself on the winning side and never fired a shot. weird, you think they could match teams up better.

  • Decided if I'm going to get all beat up by kids I'll learn a new trade - Arty. It can be awesome. I picked the german line as they dealt the most damage - I think I've got a Tier 4 Strurmpanzer II that is death from above. As long as I stay hidden or have a lookout, I make it rain.

SnowMongoose Dork
10/5/15 1:10 p.m.

Thankfully in the scope of this thread, it seems like most of the tips for PC apply to we console peasants.

So, back on the topic of the pz1c, I'm wondering if there's not something fundamentally wrong with how I'm using the tank.
Run around, flank/rear shots, focus on lights/arty/TD's, keep moving, use cover...
that should be getting me somewhere, right?
I ask because what it's getting me is a ton of shots bouncing off followed by my firey death.

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