A guy at work has one that he hasn't ridden in two years. His wife just damaged the car, daughter needs something, truck needs work.
He's thinking $1200 - $1400.
Last time I saw it the bike was very clean, dead stock, shiney.
Whadda ya think?
At that price, you could easily flip it and make a profit, if it's in good shape. Good bike. I'm going to assume you're actually talking about an R65, as the R60 was years out of production by 82.
If it is an older R60 at that price, buy it. Please. And if you don't, don't tell me anything more about the bike. :-)
It is an '82 so it must be an R-65.
It's nice, almost too nice for me. I'll probably flip it for something I can bastardize.
I always wanted to take a Kawi Drifter and paint it laquer, not the stock base coat clear coat; remove all the chrome, blacken the spokes, hide all the hydraulics and electronics and slap Indian stickers on the tank.
I'm just weird....
3/11/10 1:56 p.m.
That's a damn good price for an R65 if it's that clean. Buy it, flip it, buy that Drifter - those are actually pretty cool cruisers.
Except for the goofy side bags, it looks like this. Even has the flakey "snowflake" wheels.
Maybe it's not too nice for me to fugup.

914Driver wrote:
It is an '82 so it must be an R-65.
It's nice, almost too nice for me. I'll probably flip it for something I can bastardize.
I always wanted to take a Kawi Drifter and paint it laquer, not the stock base coat clear coat; remove all the chrome, blacken the spokes, hide all the hydraulics and electronics and slap Indian stickers on the tank.
I'm just weird....
One of this months bike magazines (cycle world?) had a story on Billy Joel and his motorcycle collection / company. He has a Indian Drifter conversion. I know it isn't unusual, but the piano man can afford any motorcycle out there including a old or new Indian.
Does that R65 have a slightly odd looking small nose fairing? If it does it might be the slightly more desirable (in R65 terms that is) LS.
3/11/10 3:34 p.m.
I believe that LS wedge fairing was designed by the same German firm that did the first Suzuki Katana. Not a bad looking bike, really.
Those snowflake wheels can be utter hell to mount tires on, for the record. If you have to do it, take 'em to a shop and try to stifle your evil laugh when you walk away.
Hmmmm...... Lower rear shocks, slide the forks up, flip the bars, $200 to Sargent for a bum stop seat.
See? Already built! 

alex wrote:
I believe that LS wedge fairing was designed by the same German firm that did the first Suzuki Katana. Not a bad looking bike, really.
Yep. And I believe that like the Katana, the small fairing is surprisingly effective.
Hans Muth was the designer. I have an original Katana; while the fairing may improve the aerodynamics I don't think it does much for protecting the rider. It does look pretty cool, though. 
He did the R100RS as well. I shined my ass on one of those for 40k miles or so - so lang as you kept going above about 50mph and kept your knees in you could stay dry in the rain on that bike. Dry but deaf though; I owe a significant chunk of my hearing loss to the ferocious buffeting off the windscreen. 20 years as a rock drummer, a couple really loud motorcycles and loud tools and machinery did the rest.