Well it looks like 2 of my buell blasts live are gone but I still have 7 left.
The first live got taken when my engine started making a nasty racket. The bike burns oil but I was sure I had topped off. I had a bad muffler so even though the sound came from the top end it couldn't be the engine. What do you do next? I took it to Frisco about 25miles away and took the bike buell throttle(full throttle) to 85-90mph, when I hit the city the low oil light came on, ut oh! Threw in a quart of 20-50w and was able to keep going. I think the low oil pressure prevented the hydraulic tappets from lifting or something which caused the racket in the top end. 1 live down 8 to go.
I decided the best way to clean my bike being a rat bike was to leave it outside during a rainstorm, good idea right? Well the rain washed off the dust but also ended up filling my air box with water. I went to drive it today and notices a little drip coming from the air box. "Nothing" I thought, just changed the airbox rubber gasket. Well I made it out of the driveway and the damned thing started to sputter and stall. I live on a hill so once I leave the driveway I'm down the street. I pulled off the first chance. I opened the airbox and about a cup of water came out. It was now emptied but the bike still felt aweful and kept stalling. I got it going and kept revving the engine to try and dry the foam filter out. Well the bike still wanted to stall. I thought maybe water got into the carb. I got the damn thing started and revved the engine and could feel it wanted to stall but kept on the throttle. Eventually whatever was bad was either washed out or dried out and the bike came to life. There were a couple teenagers doing yardwork who got to witness the whole episode. That's it, another live bit the dust, 7 more than it will either be the scrap heap or time for a rebuild.