Have any of you folk found a good android app that would let your spouse or other person follow your progress and know where you are? I haven't found one that does this, so I'm probably using the wrong search words in the Google Play Store. I want my wife to be able to see where I am, where I've been, and how I'm moving.
In part because of the crash drama from the other year, but also because I sometimes get wanderlust and just go for long rides. If she could see that I'm puttering around in Ohio, it's pretty clear I'm OK, just not going to make it home for dinner. As opposed to not moving in some state forest.
So, what have you guys found and liked? I'm not opposed to a web based program, but many times neither of us are where we've got good internet connectivity. Something that would be cell phone accessible seems to me it would be better.
There appears to be one called GPS Tracker Pro on the play store with pretty good reviews which does what you're looking for. Unfortunately I can't say I use one specifically due to some security concerns. I also thought there was one built into Google+ to locate your friends nearby but I'm coming up a bit short in info on it.
12/16/14 1:06 p.m.
aren't there ones for doing this with kids' phones? maybe try that angle?
Android Device Manager can do that. And it's free, and it's from Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.adm
All she would need to do is log into your Google account on a computer and it would show her exactly where you are. We recently used it when my son lost his phone. The other nice thing is that it can turn on the ringer even if it's muted or on vibrate. Makes it much easier when you've looked everywhere and it turns out to be between the couch cushions.... 
MapMyHike has a "live" mode that lets you do this. It only works when it can update over the cell network though.
If you are going off the grid buy a SPOT tracker ($75 after rebate). It uses satellite com so no cell signal required. It's not too expensive and you can send text messages to keep them informed of your safety or lack of.
They are 50% off for the holiday. I'm picking one up for when I ride/camp because a great deal of forest in PA/NY/VT have no cell service and no one will ever find me until the scavengers have finished eating whats left of me if I put it down hard on some seldom used dirt trail.
Here is what the output looks like for a guy from NH who is solo riding his dual sport around Mexico... you can share your link with anyone. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0yHDElqWqls02S01AFSm0W4BUlC84DcAq
EDIT: I just looked into it for myself. It also requires a $4.99 - $14.99/mo fee for the service depending on what features you want.
Like MapMyHike, Endomondo will also do this if your in range of a data connection. but if not it will update as soon as you get in range again. and if she has Endomondo she can check where your at on her phone.
12/16/14 4:25 p.m.
Spot tracker is great for trailers too! stick it in the corner and if its stolen you can find it as we all know trailers full of toys go missing often.
12/16/14 8:28 p.m.
Fox, I have a SPOT tracker I don't use. If that's something you'd be interested in get in touch. It's been in my closet for 2 years so I'm thinking I don't need it. 
Just means you need to start riding more adventurously!
That the DeLorme SPOT unit that works with their PN-60? As I recall, you have a PN-60. I have the older PN-40, which doesn't talk to their SPOT unit.
But, I'm curious. However I keep doing this, I once again seem to no longer have your cell phone number! I'll PM you.
A quick update... just came across this over at advrider. Get a free gen 3 spot if you buy and activate before Jan 1.
You have an android phone with the GPS enabled? No app needed.
More then 1/2 the time I am riding in southern Ohio I don't get any cell service. It is the same with my personal phone (AT&T) or my work phone (Verizon). Decently look for a sat one.
The Google location history is weirdly inaccurate. It's pretty clear it's using cell phone towers for location, which means it's sometimes several miles off, and can come up with some crazy tracks between points from those cell tower points.
The reason I say it's weirdly inaccurate is because it is using cell tower data when I was actively using GPS and google to navigate with. Why it doesn't know or use that, I've no idea.
Been playing with several of the apps, and still none of them actually do what I want. 101 apps to prevent being spied upon, and I can't find a one where I authorize being spied on!
I want it to be able to be done by my wife and her phone, not a request to me to tell her where I am via some sort of app, but her to have full control of knowing where I am. That part is actually easy, any of the lost phone type apps will do this.
I also want her to be able to track my motion, to see if I'm still moving and ok, or not moving and maybe hurt or in trouble. This is the part that keeps defeating me. Everything I find is stuff that has to have me do it via my phone so she can see me. I want it to be possible for her from her phone to be able to see me and my movement.
Glympse comes close. It has that 15 minutes of tracking. But darned if either one of us can figure out a way to make it so she can do it from her phone. At best so far, it sends a request to me to allow her to track me for a few minutes.
Well, we've finally got a semi-solution. Google+ and the app Where's My Droid.
Google+ is a pain to get set up, and comes up with some wildly wrong locations at times, but overall, 'tain't bad. Especially when the son showed us how to set up the widgets on our phones that let us all see where the others are at a glance. I have no idea how it comes up with the wrong locations it does, but generally, it's good to within about 1/4 mile or so.
The WMD app is a phone locator. So you text the message to the phone "WMD-GPS" and the phone answers back with the GPS coordinates and shows it on a google map page (usually). This one is good for more precise locating, like within a few feet. It also gives velocity, which is good to know at times.
Both allow the person seeking me to do it from their end. It takes no activity from my end to let them find me.
Now, if we could figure out how to let someone else see our location history in Google+.