Ok, I haven't delved too deep yet,and I wondered if anyone "just knew" the answer: '94 Honda XL650 L. The blinkers don't blink, and, regardless of which is attatched to which lead, alternating blinkers light. ie: left back, and right front. Lights are LED aftermarket "cateye" IDEAS?
Is your blinker fluid level good?

Ok, but really. Did this start immediately after the "cateye" swap?
Hook up a bulb to only one blinker. I bet they blink. If that is the case, you need to put some resistors in line. the LEDs don't draw enough juice to make the flasher relay work.
You can go to Radio Shack and buy what you need to $5 or buy a pre-made set on eBay for $10.
Rusnak_322 wrote:
Hook up a bulb to only one blinker. I bet they blink. If that is the case, you need to put some resistors in line. the LEDs don't draw enough juice to make the flasher relay work.
You can go to Radio Shack and buy what you need to $5 or buy a pre-made set on eBay for $10.
Yea, that's what I was going to suggest. You can also get 12v LED's or automotive versions with resistors built in. It can be a pain in the ass to figure out what resistor to use and then to solder and heat shrink if you aren't an electro-geek.
Rusnak_322 wrote:
Hook up a bulb to only one blinker. I bet they blink. If that is the case, you need to put some resistors in line. the LEDs don't draw enough juice to make the flasher relay work.
You can go to Radio Shack and buy what you need to $5 or buy a pre-made set on eBay for $10.
Bingo. You need either resistors or a solid-state flasher relay. I'd go with the relay, they're cheap on the internet.
Get the flasher rather then the resistor this way the charging system See's the lower load and has an easier life then dealing with huge loads that pulse.
as always, grassroots gurus, thank you. Watch readers rides for my supermoto project.