Appears to be a RAM x-grip knock off, but includes a USB outlet in the base. When I bought, it was 14.99. Now showing 16.99. Way better than 50.
I through an old phone in and rode to work on some bumpy Michigan roads. Held just fine. No worries.

On the bike: Ulysses Pro Speedometer is pretty sweet as well.

Interesting. I'm not sure how I could mount it on mine, I have zero room.
I used a bolt for the handlebar clamp
12/16/15 8:32 p.m.
Mine is similar to this. I mounted it to a Ram Ball on the brake reservoir. They have a gizillion others. I think mine was $8.00 shipped.
Just need a waterproof case
12/18/15 7:01 a.m.
Waterproof case? That's why baggies were invented! This is Grassroots,after all. 
New Reader
12/19/15 9:26 p.m.
I use the Quad Lock and case with my IPhone 6+ on several of my bikes.