I am in a position to help someone out, they are in the position of too many bikes and not enough garage.
Poifect !
He's got a late 50s Allstate made by Puch, sold through Sears. Yes kids, there was a time you could walk into a Sears store and see motorcycles next to the washers & dryers.
Interesting piece of gear.

2/18/14 5:33 p.m.
That has to be the weirdest sound idle ever... I cannot wrap my brain around the firing sequence not sounding like half a subaru.
2/18/14 7:15 p.m.
Not seen one in 20 years....back then they were food for the smelter. Neat bikes for sure. hope you can get it.
I want one of those gas tanks. Badly.
Heard those motors like to self destruct.
If it turns over and has compression, great. Leave it and dont run it haha
Are you absolutely sure it's a twingle?
If it's not a pile of parts, but is in fact a reasonably complete bike, I'd be inclined to get it just for the novelty. Start going to the various odd-ball meets with it, and get to chatting with folk. Parts will begin to show up for you.
I had a chance to get one of those of my ex's uncle years ago. Glad I didn't, it was a basket case.
There was a company in Schenectady, NY that made a twingle called a Yankee. It was two Ossa motors welded together. You may never see one in your lifetime, but if you do .......
2/19/14 7:22 p.m.
Technically Yankee's were twins but you could rephase the cranks at the slip joint and make it a big single twin or twingle but different then the all state twinagle.