FUN!!! That's it in a nutshell. Also learned some things, and improved some other things.
Basically it's a slow speed training course, so you can better thread a big pig of Harley around parking lots and pretend you can ride like a Cop. Which is not a bad thing to master.
I've never ridden by rear brake while slipping my clutch like I did in this course.
Leaning well over and riding well within the circle.

A video of us riding a clover leaf, with me being the tail rider of the bunch.
I want to take one of the advanced classes, they do look enjoyable.
Good grief! Who's grandpa is that on the bike???
1988RedT2 wrote:
Good grief! Who's grandpa is that on the bike???
Yea yea... At last Gramps is still out riding! 
I notice that the person on the V-Star 950 scraped more than everyone else and had the widest turns (they DO NOT like to lean over) but was able to keep up with the pack. There is hope for me yet! That is all the stuff that I am not good at. So where does one find a course like that?
1988RedT2 wrote:
Good grief! Who's grandpa is that on the bike???
Its Santa in the off season, you need a red Harley.
In reply to wearymicrobe:
Is this close enough?

pinchvalve wrote:
I notice that the person on the V-Star 950 scraped more than everyone else and had the widest turns (they DO NOT like to lean over) but was able to keep up with the pack. There is hope for me yet! That is all the stuff that I am not good at. So where does one find a course like that?
Yes, he was scraping like mad. I was disappointed that I never managed to drag mine. But in looking at the pictures, I can see why. I've raised my boards up, which takes them out of the scraping range. is the course. They may have courses in your area.
You're Pittsburg, right? This is the PA course:
I'm trying to finagle my way to one of these
6/19/15 4:40 a.m.
Not sure why a guy who can ride that pig of a bike up a muddy mountain needs a riding course, but good for you. 
foxtrapper wrote:
Basically it's a slow speed training course, so you can better thread a big pig of Harley around parking lots and pretend you can ride like a Cop. Which is not a bad thing to master.
YEARS AGO, I was a young punk in a corrections academy, and was eating lunch with a fellow classmate (who also rode) watching the "road guys" going through training to become motorcycle cops. You could almost keep time by the scraping noises from those guys. Almost universally they would panic and dump it when they scraped. We were getting a chuckle out of watching them, when one of them asked if we thought we could do any better. I took him up on the challenge, went over and grabbed a helmet, and rode the course on my second attempt. (I put a foot down on the first attempt, but still didn't dump it)
What I didn't tell them was that my dad used to teach the advanced cycle course on the bases we've lived at growing up, and had watched him and been on the back of the bike most of my life with him doing those same maneuvers. (Watching my dad spin a goldwing around in parking space still boggles my mind.) Getting the feel for it is the hard part, you have to fight the instinct to try and catch the bike and trust the bike to catch itself when the throttle is applied.
Good on you for getting more training.
foxtrapper wrote:
You're Pittsburg, right? This is the PA course:
Thanks, making the call now.