My friend has a Kawasaki EX500 that is having some troubles. According to him the plugs are wet with gas, it is running rough, and there is gas coming out of the exhaust manifold on the left side.
I was thinking something could be messed up with the carbs but maybe it is a spark issue, not burning all the gas so it fouls the plugs and floods it?
fresh plugs and set the pilots to 2 turns out and go from there.
9/9/10 10:08 p.m.
Sounds like a float has a hole in it to me.
9/10/10 8:48 a.m.
If he's got a cylinder full of gas, I would recommend he not try to run it. Hydrolock could bend a rod. First step, have him remove the plug and crank it over with the starter a couple times. And stand back, because it will shoot fuel out of the plug hole with alarming ferocity.
Once that's cleared out, I agree with 4eyes: sounds like a hole in the float is preventing it from - well, floating - which is keeping the needle open, filling that carb and eventually filling the cylinder. If he takes the carbs off and takes the float bowl off that corresponds to the affected cylinder, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts he can shake that float and hear gas sloshing around in it.
Changed the floats, fresh set of plugs. It runs much better under full throttle but it won't idle. The left carb is leaking gas something fierce.
are you missing the needle in the left carb? and see my previous post
I haven't had a chance to adjust the pilots yet. I don't think it is missing a needle but we only took the bowls off the carbs.
I am just wondering why it was running fine then all of a sudden started doing this.
I'm guessing a the pin holding the needle has slipped out of position. did you check the float levels?
Checked the needles yesterday. They don't have any pins, there is a diaphragm to control the height via vacuum I assume.
No no no not those needles. The "float valve" part 16030. Most people call it a float needle.
You've got either crud built up on the seat or a worn needle or both. Bummer for him if it sat with water or the new alkly fuel in the tank it can corode the seat wich is pressed in to the body.