I was volunteering a the local Mini Maker Faire and a guy showed up on this:

Original bike was a 73? Yamaha RD250 that was purchased for $100 with lots a parts missing.
Restoring to stock would've been fairly expensive and the guy is a Tesla repair man.
Solution? Battery pack is 1/5 of a Nissan Leaf that was purchased totaled. Motor and it's corresponding controller are pulled from a fork lift and reworked.
The "Exhaust" is actually functional to pull hot air from the motor. 0-60 is 4.9? with a range of ~80miles.
and, it supports QuickCharge stations.
All made on nights/weekends over 2 years.
I really like the idea of e-cycles, however.
I would rather have a cobbled RD than that.
I love this a lot. I've been thinking about building an EV sport bike a lot lately.
9/5/18 10:10 a.m.
I have a friend with an RD. I'll forward this to him. He'll get a real charge out of it. That thing really sparks my imagination and has a lot of potential.
In reply to T.J. :
You forgot about the negative.
In reply to Appleseed :
I thought that it was pretty well grounded
Stop resisting the positive comments or you'll drain you reserves.
I can see that this bike is very polarizing.
Ride the lightning! I would name it Angry Pixies.
In reply to T.J. : ohm my
In reply to Appleseed :
Ok, yeah that's a lot better than mine. 
9/8/18 8:50 p.m.
True story. When I searched ''electric RD' to try to find more info about that bike, one of the top search results was Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant.
Now I want to rock down to....
I'm passionate about e-motorcycles, thus, while browsing online, I came through this thread and this amazing RD-E. I really love its style.
4/20/20 9:37 a.m.
This old punny thread got jump started.
Frankly, I'm shocked that this thread didn't generate more interest. I can't find a negative thing to say about that bike, I think it looks positively electrifying!
Sorry...went a little overboard there, I should cool it. Don't want to let out the magic smoke.
Although they give a lift we need to turn over a new leaf and stop with all the puns.
I find this zombie thread to be revolting.