The car is about dead and a super-clean/cheap CM400 has come up for sale at work, so I may be in the market shortly.
Obviously the shape of everyone's head is different, so there's no end-all be-all helmet in this case, but does anyone with corrective lenses have suggestions of something they wear and like that doesn't pinch their glasses away from their face? Wife's a bit of a seamstress, I may have to have her mod the lining on whatever I buy if I can't find something out of the box.
Contacts are a no for me, and Miata isn't the answer this time. Budget under $300(should be easy) and internal sunvisor preferred.
While I don't wear corrective lenses. my sunglasses fit just find in my HJC IS-15
When I bought my Bieffe helmet the cheek pads were so tight I got headaches, that went away with using it. Never had an issue with glasses, but the bows on my prescription sunglasses are thin, wire like.
I did a quick Google and couldn't find it, but there are companies that a) will put your prescription lenses into vintage style goggles, and b) a company that mounts a pair of lenses, no bows, into the faceshield area of the helmet. They stand up behind the faceshield.
Over time helmet will loosen up to the arms of your glasses. I to am in the market for a new helmet as my curent one is a few years old and was signed by about 15 old timer racers who are no longer here so it's time to retire it. The new Shoei "Quest" fit my glasses in with no pinch at all theirs a fold / seem in the area so they tucked in nice but at the price i need to save up a bit...
Haveing just blown the acount on the ducati and some other new gear.
Soild color run around $330 that not to bad but 3x what my HJC AC11 cost but the shoei required no ear plugs...
3/22/12 9:45 a.m.
Helmets have a break in period. You can also buy new pads for it to fit your head better. The things are designed to be tight; don't get one that's too loose. One of the reasons I got lasik is because glasses are a big pain in the ass with a helmet.
I always tried on the helmet with my glasses.
1. Glasses off
2. Helmet on
3. Glasses on

3/23/12 1:36 p.m.
I've had good service from my Scorpion Exo 750.
No problems with glasses going on, pinching, or fogging.
In reply to JohnInKansas:
Awesome link