A guy around the corner is selling a tarted up, bagged, Vettered 1980 Gold wing because he's too old, can't squeese the clutch any more. Barcalounger 1000s never really were my cup o tea, but after seeing the attached photos, I can be swayed.
What do you think?

Sell the bags and the Vetter, someone is always looking for them. Cafe that sucker out and apply black paint liberally. You will love it.
My dad had a 79 or 80 GL11. His was stock, which at the time looked a whole lot like your stripped down bikes, only with fenders and buckhorns. (looks around, nobody watching...) I rode it. It was a nice bike.
Definitely de-Vetter it. The Vetter fairings might be efficient, but boy are they fugly.
I once saw a pic of a cafe racer goldwing that was better than any I had ever seen before. Then my computer crashed and I could never find it again. But still, I love the looks of any stripped down gold wing. If you don't get it the rest of us will come and get it and then run it up and down your street just to piss you off.