I have the opportunity to buy a 2004 Honda CBR600rr at $4,700. The bike has 5,2xx miles on it and been dropped in a parking lot so has minor scratches on the side. The guy selling it got the bike as a grad gift in 04, rode it off and on till 07 then it has been sitting in his garage. He has a new battery to install before pick up. Any possible concerns that I may want to be aware of before making an offer? I don't know much about the whole idea of letting something sit, but would tires be an issue? possibly the chain?? Definitely change out the oil. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
This is just a stock image from Sport Rider.
He's asking over blue book, it's been dropped, sitting, and it's winter.
nada/kbb = 4200/4300
new tires -325 (check for weather checking, flat spots)
chain -80 (significant rust? stretched?)
plastics - $100-400 (looks for fractures on the inside)
I'd offer $3200
Plus, if it's been sitting since 2007 there's probably a lot of dried up, gummy gas deposits in the fuel system.
But it is a Honda, so odds are it will start right up and run just fine for another 100,000 miles. :)
"Dropped in a parking lot" is similar to telling a creditor "your check is in the mail".
Brandon, is your mind set on a CBR? My son sold his very capable RF-600 in the attractive teal blue-green, for $1800.
That was more than enough bike to scare the crap outta most.

I can find non-dropped 02-06 CBRs for $3500 all over Texas. Ten minutes on Craigslist will get you a better deal than that.
Thats why I came here first. I knew you fella's would take care of me. I looked it up on kkb and was assuming the bike had 13,xxx miles on it because of its age. I was thinking of 35-3700 for an offer. but 3200 sounds a lot better to me. I haven't made any offers yet.
Im not set on anything yet, a few months ago I was looking at dual sports. Im just looking for something thats reliable, fun to ride, and gets better gas milage then my truck. Plus save me from putting miles on the truck during the nicer parts of the year.
Thanks Again for your input.
914Driver wrote:
Reread; sold for $1800.
wow. i feel dumb haha thanks