After making a few big road trips the past two years, 1800 mile weekend and an Iron Butt 1000 last year and a 2300 mile weekend last month, I decided to trade in my Super Glide for a touring bike. GRM comrade ST ZX2 works at the nearest HD dealer, so I went to talk to him. He worked out a good deal for me on a new Road Glide Ultra.

Not to be outdone, Mrs RMD grumbled loud enough about her Sportster, so Erik (ST ZX2) worked out a good deal on a new Super Glide Custom (she didn't like my silver and red one).

Man, I generally despise most HD's, but that SGC looks good, minus the furry purple seat cover.
Just need to remove everything that says HD, move the pegs and controls, mod the exhaust, add a cafe rear fender and clip-on's, and I would ride it. 
hmmmm lookin good. not exactly my cup of tea but nice.
My best friends brother has a blacked out street glide. i like that one a bunch
i friggin' LOVE the dual headlight setup on the FL. congrats on being able to afford two new bikes!
My buddies with Ultra Classics think I'm crazy for liking the Road Glide better, but I just dig it. The fairing doesn't move, and I like that. My favorite HD is the Street Glide however.

Does the bigger front windbreaker keep the wind off your chin. I have only ridden the street glide standard and it was really windy on the freeway.
It keeps the wind off my chin and shoulders. The best part, from the short amount I've been on the freeway so far, is how it doesn't get slammed by turbulence when passing semis. I'll most likely get a taller windshield, though. I get a little wind on the top of my head. When I broke the rules and rode helmetless because it was hot the other day, my sweaty hair formed into a peak. Probably looked like one of those doofuses on Jersey Shore.
6/11/11 9:23 a.m.
Thanks for the business, Paul! Welcome to the Hal's Harley-Davidson family!
6/11/11 6:58 p.m.
I've never been and am still not much of a Harley man, but Road Glide Ultra is amazing.
BAMF wrote:
BAMF wrote:
I've never been and am still not much of a Harley man, but that Road Glide Ultra is amazing looking.
self-quoting for extra emphasis, or just running up your post count?