It's an 09, was laid down on it's right side. Someone replaced the covers and now it has no spark. How do I go about diagnosing this?
It's an 09, was laid down on it's right side. Someone replaced the covers and now it has no spark. How do I go about diagnosing this?
I have 2 thoughts. First, I think the ignition pick up us under the small round cover on the RH side case. Open it up and look for damage or pinched wires.
Second, is the handlebar kill switch on the RH side damaged?
One other thing, have the fuses been checked since the spill?
Fuse is good, the pick up is under the cover. Wires look good. It ran prior to the PO replacing the case and covers.
Do I just look for continuity across the coils? How do I verify the pick up is good or if it's the ignition box that's bad?
It been a long long long longtime since I've worked on a GS 500, but the design was old back when I was working as a cycle mechanic back in the early nineties, and I bet they haven't changed much since then.
If you Google Suzuki GS500 wiring diagram you should find a diagram image close enough to what your working on to be useful.
I doubt that the coils are bad, and I wouldn't be quick to conclude that the ignition module is bad. You probably have an interlock problem, open circuit or short to ground.
Yea but the engine turns over, just not getting juice to the plugs. If it was a faulty clutch or sidestand switch the engine wouldn't turn over would it? I mean that's how it works on my bike.
Never owned a GS but I had the same problem on a 94 Bandit 400, the two wires going to the ign pickup on the left side case cover where loose in the case, fired right up
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