1980 Goldwing with all the luggage, fog lights, radio, speakers and bolt on crap a human could ever want.
30 year old brown with just a tick under 21,000 miles. The PO felt bad so put a new battery in it for me. It runs fine, a little quiet for my tastes but I know how to buff that out.
Look for a pancake engined cafe' here soon.
If anyone wants two wheeled luggage, speak up, it's real cheap.

All that crap will bring almost what you paid for the machine
That looks like a smokin' deal you got there.
How are the brakes on those things? Big enough to slow such a beastly vehicle down when ridden in spirited manners?
I love old golds. They last forever and are half the price of the same age BMW's
Replace the timing belt now, before you start the bike again. Just sayin'.
and the water pump. BTDT on a 78
Yeah, my dad's '80 (I think, 81? It was a "GL11") had a water pump go bad. I had a 79 FLH POS at the time and I told him "I've had a lot of trouble with my bike, but I've never had to replace a water pump."
You can take the Vetter fairing and bags off, but I wouldn't toss them - if you ever decide to take a trip, they're real nice to have.