So here I am in the passenger seat of my brothers truck on the way to our parents house for Christmas. Rebecca (my brothers girlfriend) is in the back behind me. As we are driving along I am thinking to myself 'if this was summer, we'd all be on our motorcycles right now'. John with his MV Agusta, Rebecca with her Buell Blast, and me on the Lightning. Mmm... thundery deliciousness...
I miss warm weather.
Oh well. I'll bring the snow board back and hit up the slopes. That'll cheer me up.
So do I...and I only put the bike in the garage on the 2nd. Oh well, the sleds are filling in occasionally
12/24/09 1:04 p.m.
I rode yesterday, good thing. Today OK is under a fill fledged (by Southwest standards) blizzard
I've been done for a bit, too. As soon as salt is down, I quit. Bikes don't usually have the same level of rust prevention as modern cars.
Been a couple weeks since I kickstarted it in the garage to let it run a bit. Maybe I'll do that tonight...
I miss it too, but it's a good time to get stuff done

The bike is under a couple of feet of snow, since I was out of town when the weather hit. Cannot say that I am terribly happy about that.
suprf1y wrote:
I miss it too, but it's a good time to get stuff done
Yeah my Buell turned 10,000 right before I put it away. It's time for scheduled maintenance. And a rear tire. And a front rotor. And an oil change. And freaking lasers, baby! YEAH!
I start it once a week but I don't think I'm running it long enough. The battery was kind of weak last time.
My nighthawk doesn't really charge at idle anyways, so it'll be a crapshoot in the spring.
I really want to ride, but here in NE the snow is halfway up my house windows.
12/25/09 8:11 p.m.
sundancevette wrote:
My nighthawk doesn't really charge at idle anyways, so it'll be a crapshoot in the spring.
I really want to ride, but here in NE the snow is halfway up my house windows.
Hehe, mine doesn't charge under 3k or so either. Get a Battery Tender Jr., best $30 I ever spent on the bike. Plus it's a nice thing to have around for safely charging any batteries as long as you aren't in a hurry. I have the included pigtail hard wired to the battery terminals so I can just roll the bike in the garage and plug in whenever I'm not riding, it's great.
Oddly, we in southern Maine saw bare ground on Christmas Day, but I am certainly feeling you about the ride wihdrawal. I almost took it out yesterday when temps hit 40's, but I was still afraid of stray ice patches, and getting my frame all full of salt. And today, I really would have loved to try out the GoPro HD video setup I found under the tree (complete with the add-on handlebar mount).
Thanks for the idea. So is it just a trickle charger or something different?
12/25/09 9:44 p.m.
It's more sophisticated than a trickle charger, it switches between a charging and a maintainer circuit so you can just plug it in and leave it there without thinking about anything. It really is a great little device, especially for the price.