This has been kicking my ass for the last week. This issue has been going in ever since I bought the bike in one way or another.
Choke all the way on, bike works normal, choke half off, idle drops to normal and is stable. Choke all the way off, idle jumps up to 4000-5000 rpm.
I've recently rebuilt the carb and rejetted it as the previous owner had far too small of a jet in it. I checked the float height, installed new pilot and main jets, along with a new fuel screw. I blew out all the holes, changed all the gaskets plus the slide and slide guide.
I've checked both boots, no cracks or splits. I've adjusted the choke cable and the throttle cables, they're fine.
Still having the same issue. WTF! I'm about ready to take it to the shop and let them deal with it...